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How shared ties and journalistic cultures shape global news coverage of disruptive media events: the case of the 9/11 terror attacks
Journal of Communication ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-12 , DOI: 10.1093/joc/jqae004
Marc Jungblut 1 , Scott Althaus 2 , Joseph Bajjalieh 2 , Chung-hong Chan 3 , Kasper Welbers 4 , Wouter van Atteveldt 4 , Hartmut Wessler 5

In recent decades, disruptive media events, such as major terrorist attacks, have gained increasing relevance in news coverage around the world. Despite the growing importance of such globally broadcast media events, little research to date has examined cross-national variation in event coverage or the predictors of this variation. This study examines news coverage about the 9/11 terror attacks in the United States across 51 countries to analyze whether the topical focus and emotional tone of news coverage about the attacks varied according to a country’s proximity to the United States and the dominant role perceptions of its journalistic culture. We show that these macro-level predictors are associated in varying degrees with the country-level topical focus and emotional tone of reporting over the 30 days following this salient event. Moreover, our analysis also suggests that temporal developments may have uniformly structured much of this worldwide coverage.


共同的联系和新闻文化如何塑造破坏性媒体事件的全球新闻报道:以 9/11 恐怖袭击为例

近几十年来,重大恐怖袭击等破坏性媒体事件在世界各地的新闻报道中变得越来越重要。尽管此类全球广播媒体事件的重要性日益增加,但迄今为止,很少有研究考察事件报道的跨国差异或这种差异的预测因素。本研究考察了 51 个国家有关美国 9/11 恐怖袭击的新闻报道,以分析有关袭击的新闻报道的主题焦点和情绪基调是否因国家与美国的距离以及该国的主导角色认知而异。它的新闻文化。我们表明,这些宏观层面的预测因素在不同程度上与这一重大事件发生后 30 天内国家层面的主题焦点和报道的情绪基调相关。此外,我们的分析还表明,时间的发展可能使全球范围内的大部分报道具有统一的结构。