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Factors Associated with Israeli Social Workers’ Intention to Stay in the Profession
Social Work ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-11 , DOI: 10.1093/sw/swae003
Naama Nebenzahl-Elitzur 1 , Maya Kagan 2 , Ester Zychlinski 2

The phenomenon of social workers leaving the profession occurs frequently, underscoring the importance of understanding factors contributing to the intention to stay (ITS) in the profession. Based on the job demands–resources theory (JD-R), this study examined selected social worker workplace “demands” (i.e., their organizational sector of employment and level of work–family conflict) and “resources” (i.e., levels of meaning, locus of control, and salary satisfaction at work). Online survey data were obtained from 407 Israeli social workers. The findings showed that higher levels of meaning and salary satisfaction at work, greater professional seniority, and lower levels of work–family conflict were associated with greater ITS in the profession. Data were gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling examination of variables contributing to the ITS during times of crisis. These findings confirm that meaning at work is the main factor that motivates social worker ITS in the profession. Salary satisfaction was also found to be an essential factor, highlighting the recent escalation in social worker demands for fair compensation in Israel. Greater work–family balance also contributed to ITS. These findings should be considered by governmental decision makers and welfare service providers wishing to preserve this essential workforce, not just in Israel but also in other countries.



社会工作者离开该行业的现象经常发生,这凸显了了解有助于留在该行业的意愿(ITS)的因素的重要性。基于工作需求-资源理论(JD-R),本研究考察了选定的社会工作者工作场所的“需求”(即他们的就业组织部门和工作与家庭冲突的水平)和“资源”(即意义的水平) 、控制点和工作薪资满意度)。在线调查数据来自 407 名以色列社会工作者。研究结果表明,工作中更高水平的意义和薪资满意度、更高的专业资历以及更低水平的工作与家庭冲突与职业中更高的 ITS 相关。数据是在 COVID-19 大流行期间收集的,以便能够检查危机期间影响 ITS 的变量。这些发现证实,工作意义是激励社会工作者从事该职业的 ITS 的主要因素。薪资满意度也被认为是一个重要因素,突显出以色列社会工作者对公平薪酬的要求最近不断升级。更好的工作与家庭平衡也有助于 ITS。希望保留这一重要劳动力的政府决策者和福利服务提供者应该考虑这些发现,不仅在以色列,而且在其他国家也是如此。