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Excommunication in Postrevolutionary England, 1689–1714
Journal of British Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-08 , DOI: 10.1017/jbr.2023.73
Pranav Jain

This article asks why many divines pushed for reform of the Church of England's use of excommunication after the Glorious Revolution of 1688. In response, it argues that, worried by what they perceived as widespread moral decline and the threat posed by the floodgates of Protestant dissent opened up by the Toleration Act of 1689, clergy became concerned that sentences such as excommunication were ineffective and the church would soon cease to be the chief arbiter of certain offenses. In contrast to existing historiography, this article suggests that the urge for reform was not confined to any particular section of the church. Instead, the reform of excommunication was a shared cause, although there was sharp disagreement about how to pursue it. However, despite enthusiasm for change, efforts for reform floundered because of partisan conflict and the legacy of the Tudor Reformation that continued to shape religious life in England well into the later Stuart period. Examining the debate about excommunication allows us to revise of our understandings of religion and politics in the last decades of the Stuart dynasty and further develop important concepts such as the long Reformation.



本文询问为什么许多神职人员在 1688 年光荣革命后推动对英国国教会使用逐出教会的改革。作为回应,文章认为,他们担心普遍的道德衰退和新教异见的洪水带来的威胁1689 年《宽容法案》开启后,神职人员开始担心诸如逐出教会之类的判决无效,教会很快将不再是某些罪行的主要仲裁者。与现有的史学相反,本文表明改革的冲动并不局限于教会的任何特定部分。相反,逐出教会的改革是一个共同的事业,尽管对于如何推行这一改革存在着尖锐的分歧。然而,尽管人们对变革充满热情,但由于党派冲突和都铎宗教改革的遗产,改革的努力陷入困境,而都铎宗教改革的遗产在斯图亚特王朝后期继续影响着英格兰的宗教生活。审视关于逐出教会的争论使我们能够修正对斯图亚特王朝最后几十年的宗教和政治的理解,并进一步发展重要的概念,例如长期的宗教改革。
