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Weakly Adsorbed CO2 and H2O Species on Monoethanolamine Films in a Room-Temperature CO2 and Direct Air Capture Cycle: An In Situ Infrared Study
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c03771
Aderinsola Oduntan 1 , Steven S. C. Chuang 1

The binding states of adsorbed CO2 species on monoethanolamine (MEA) thin films in a CO2 and direct air capture cycle at 25 °C have been studied by in situ infrared spectroscopy. CO2 adsorption produced two types of adsorbed CO2: (i) hydrogen-bonded ammonium carbamate, as strongly adsorbed CO2, which can only be removed by heating above 25 °C and (ii) carbamic acid, as weakly adsorbed CO2, which can be removed at room temperature from the MEA film. The infrared results suggest that carbamic acid is on an amine site, which is isolated by OH from neighboring MEA molecules and further clarify the sequence of the formation of adsorbed CO2. Weakly adsorbed CO2 and H2O species were observed for the first time on MEA and nonaqueous MEA thin films. Decreasing the concentration of CO2 from 100% to 420 ppm of CO2/1.5% H2O (atmospheric CO2) for direct air capture decreased the CO2 capture capacity and increased the adsorption half-time while the CO2 desorption half-time (i.e., rate) remained at the same level. Controlling the type and structure of adsorbed CO2 could be effective in bringing down the energy needed for the regeneration of amine solvents and sorbents through enhancing the density of amine sites for carbamic acid.


室温 CO2 和直接空气捕获循环中单乙醇胺薄膜上弱吸附的 CO2 和 H2O 物质:原位红外研究

通过原位红外光谱研究了 25 °C 下CO 2和直接空气捕获循环中单乙醇胺 (MEA) 薄膜上吸附的 CO 2物质的结合状态。CO 2吸附产生两种类型的吸附 CO 2:(i)氢键氨基甲酸铵,作为强吸附 CO 2,​​只能通过加热至 25 °C 以上才能去除;(ii)氨基甲酸,作为弱吸附 CO 2,它可以在室温下从 MEA 薄膜上去除。红外结果表明氨基甲酸位于胺位点上,该胺位点通过OH与邻近的MEA分子隔离,并进一步阐明了吸附CO 2的形成顺序。首次在 MEA 和非水 MEA 薄膜上观察到弱吸附的 CO 2和 H 2 O 物质。将CO 2浓度从100%降低至420 ppm CO 2 /1.5% H 2 O(大气CO 2)以进行直接空气捕获,降低了CO 2捕获能力并增加了吸附半衰期,同时CO 2解吸半衰期增加了。时间(即速率)保持在同一水平。控制吸附的CO 2的类型和结构可以通过提高氨基甲酸的胺位点密度来有效降低胺溶剂和吸附剂再生所需的能量。