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Language brokering profiles of Mexican-origin adolescents in immigrant communities: Social-cultural contributors and developmental outcomes
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14078
Su Yeong Kim 1 , Jiaxiu Song 1 , Wen Wen 1 , Jinjin Yan 2 , Hin Wing Tse 1 , Shanting Chen 3 , Belem G López 4 , Yishan Shen 5 , Yang Hou 6

This study examines social-cultural contributors and developmental outcomes of language brokers. From 2012 to 2020, three waves of data were collected from 604 Mexican-origin adolescent language brokers (Mage = 12.92, SD = 0.92, 54% girls). The study (1) identified four distinct subgroups of language brokers (efficacious, conservative, nonchalant, and burdened) who translated for mothers and fathers, after incorporating objective bilingual proficiency along with multiple dimensions of language brokering; (2) showed that early adolescents' Mexican, rather than U.S., cultural values and orientation were related to later language brokering profiles; and (3) showed that the efficacious group was the most resilient while burdened was the most vulnerable to developmental problems. Preservation of Mexican culture may facilitate language brokering experiences related to more positive developmental outcomes.



本研究考察了语言经纪人的社会文化贡献者和发展成果。从 2012 年到 2020 年,我们收集了 604 名墨西哥裔青少年语言经纪人的三波数据( M年龄= 12.92,SD = 0.92,54% 为女孩)。该研究 (1) 在结合客观的双语熟练程度以及语言中介的多个维度后,确定了为母亲和父亲翻译的语言中介的四个不同亚组(有效的保守的冷漠的负担重的); (2) 表明早期青少年的墨西哥文化价值观和取向与后来的语言经纪概况相关,而不是美国文化价值观和取向; (3)表明,有效群体的适应能力最强,而有负担的群体最容易受到发展问题的影响。墨西哥文化的保护可能会促进与更积极的发展成果相关的语言中介经验。