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Being pressed for time leads to treating others as things: Exploring the relationships among time scarcity, agentic and communal orientation and objectification
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12729
Xinying Jiang 1 , Nan Zhang 1 , Xiaomin Sun 1 , Zhenzhen Liu 1 , Yuqiao Lilly Wang 2

Time scarcity has become one of the most ubiquitous phenomena in daily life worldwide. Five studies (total valid N = 1332) examined whether time scarcity elicits people's agentic orientation and dampens their communal orientation, thus increasing the likelihood of objectification towards others. Results suggested that people who perceived time scarcity were more likely to exhibit objectification towards others regardless of whether time scarcity was measured (Studies 1 and 3) or manipulated using either a scenario (Study 2a) or a recall task (Studies 2b and 4). Furthermore, agentic and communal orientations mediated the link between time scarcity and objectification (Studies 3 and 4). Additionally, the current research provided a nuanced understanding of these effects by differentiating the people being objectified into acquaintances and close friends (Study 2b) and by taking into consideration the trait-level prosociality of participants (Study 4). Results suggested that the effect persisted when people interacted with others who were close to them, and it was also applicable to people who were highly prosocial by nature. Overall, our findings highlighted the serious interpersonal consequence of time scarcity and highlighted the crucial role of value orientation in understanding this effect.



时间短缺已成为全球日常生活中最普遍的现象之一。五项研究(总有效N = 1332)检验了时间稀缺是否会引发人们的主体取向并抑制他们的公共取向,从而增加对他人的客观化的可能性。结果表明,感知时间稀缺的人更有可能对他人表现出客观化,无论时间稀缺是通过测量(研究 1 和 3)还是使用场景(研究 2a)或回忆任务(研究 2b 和 4)来操纵的。此外,主体和群体取向介导了时间稀缺和客观化之间的联系(研究 3 和 4)。此外,当前的研究通过将被客观化的人区分为熟人和亲密朋友(研究 2b)并考虑参与者的特质水平亲社会性(研究 4),对这些影响提供了细致入微的理解。结果表明,当人们与亲近的人互动时,这种效应会持续存在,而且它也适用于本质上高度亲社会的人。总的来说,我们的研究结果强调了时间稀缺所带来的严重的人际后果,并强调了价值取向在理解这种影响方面的关键作用。