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Comparative Study of AlN Crystals Grown on SiC Seeds with/without Voids at the Heterointerface
Crystal Growth & Design ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.3c01483
Yuante Han 1, 2 , Zhiwei Zhang 1, 3 , Weijie Hu 1 , Wenjun Wang 2 , Jian-gang Guo 1 , Liwei Guo 1, 2

AlN crystal growth on SiC seeds is an alternative approach for obtaining wafer-sized AlN crystals and has been demonstrated in experiments. Various characteristics of AlN crystals grown on SiC seeds were reported by different researchers, leading to complications in designing a reliable growth process. Here, we used comprehensive and comparative methods to reveal key factors affecting the characteristics of the AlN crystal. These include the initial SiC seed morphology evolved at the beginning of AlN crystal growth; in short, two typical morphologies were formed in the heterointerface between the SiC seed and AlN. One is AlN grown on a flat heterointerface, and the other is the AlN crystal developed from SiC pyramid islands formed due to the decomposition of the SiC seed under an AlN atmosphere. Such dissimilar interfaces result in differences in aspects such as the incorporated Si impurity content, strain, and uniformity of the grown AlN crystal. Significantly, a near-linear decrease in both the Si content (0.005%/μm) and the strain (represented by a Raman peak blue shift of 0.0084 cm–1/μm) with increasing AlN crystal thickness is found and well verified in a 1.1 mm-thick AlN crystal, which shows a narrow 112 arcsec full width at half-maximum in its (0002) X-ray rocking curve. Our results suggest that the AlN crystal grown on a flat SiC seed possesses more uniform physical properties, which are suitable for the growth of wafer-sized AlN crystals. The characteristics of AlN crystals grown on SiC seeds with/without voids at the heterointerface are studied comparatively, including a quantitative variation of Si doping contents, shift rates of the Raman peak position, and an fwhm of (0002), with increasing AlN crystal thickness. These results are important to understand the various phenomena observed in AlN crystals grown on SiC seeds.


在异质界面有/无空隙的 SiC 晶种上生长 AlN 晶体的比较研究

在 SiC 晶种上生长 AlN 晶体是获得晶圆尺寸 AlN 晶体的另一种方法,并已在实验中得到证实。不同的研究人员报告了在 SiC 晶种上生长的 AlN 晶体的各种特性,导致设计可靠的生长过程变得复杂。在这里,我们采用综合比较的方法揭示了影响AlN晶体特性的关键因素。这些包括在 AlN 晶体生长开始时演变的初始 SiC 晶种形态;简而言之,SiC种子和AlN之间的异质界面形成了两种典型的形貌。一种是在平坦异质界面上生长的AlN,另一种是由于SiC晶种在AlN气氛下分解而形成的SiC金字塔岛而形成的AlN晶体。这种不同的界面导致了Si杂质含量、应变和生长的AlN晶体的均匀性等方面的差异。值得注意的是,随着 AlN 晶体厚度的增加,Si 含量 (0.005%/μm) 和应变(由 0.0084 cm –1 /μm 的拉曼峰蓝移表示)均呈近线性下降,并在 1.1 中得到了很好的验证。毫米厚的 AlN 晶体,其 (0002) X 射线摇摆曲线显示出窄的 112 角秒半峰全宽。我们的结果表明,在平坦的 SiC 晶种上生长的 AlN 晶体具有更均匀的物理性质,适合晶圆尺寸的 AlN 晶体的生长。比较研究了在异质界面处有/无空隙的SiC晶种上生长的AlN晶体的特性,包括随着AlN晶体厚度的增加,Si掺杂含量、拉曼峰位置的移动速率和(0002)的半峰宽的定量变化。这些结果对于理解在 SiC 种子上生长的 AlN 晶体中观察到的各种现象非常重要。