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Delivering affordable clean energy to consumers
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s11747-024-01003-2
Praveen K. Kopalle , Jesse Burkhardt , Kenneth Gillingham , Lauren S. Grewal , Nailya Ordabayeva

We develop a marketing-centric framework for delivering affordable, clean energy to consumers by leveraging the marketing 4 Ps to encourage a bi-directional flow of information between firms and consumers. Using a multimethod approach that covers a consumer survey, field experiment, and a decarbonization simulation to test the various aspects of the framework, our findings point to the need for a “system-wide” solution. Specifically, we examine consumer responsiveness to multiple levers within the 4 Ps, showcase the real effects of a combination of an automated solution and dynamic electricity pricing on behavior, and examine the role of dynamic prices and automation in transitioning to 100% clean electricity. We argue that there are ways to achieve affordable, 100% clean energy that many consumers will adopt. We conclude with a set of research questions examining additional aspects of the 4 Ps that can be leveraged to facilitate the wide-spread adoption of clean energy solutions.



我们开发了一个以营销为中心的框架,通过利用营销 4P 鼓励企业和消费者之间的双向信息流,为消费者提供负担得起的清洁能源。我们使用涵盖消费者调查、现场实验和脱碳模拟的多方法来测试框架的各个方面,我们的研究结果表明需要一个“全系统”解决方案。具体来说,我们研究了消费者对 4P 内多个杠杆的响应,展示了自动化解决方案和动态电力定价相结合对行为的实际影响,并研究了动态价格和自动化在向 100% 清洁电力过渡中的作用。我们认为,有多种方法可以实现许多消费者会采用的负担得起的 100% 清洁能源。最后,我们提出了一系列研究问题,探讨 4P 的其他方面,这些方面可用于促进清洁能源解决方案的广泛采用。
