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Effect of Sulfur Deficiency on the Structural and Superstructural Features of Ga1.29In3.38S7
Crystallography Reports ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-06 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063774523600862
M. G. Kyazumov , S. M. Rzayeva , A. S. Avilov


The crystal structure of the 3R polytype with the lattice parameters а = 3.82 Å, с = 63.41 Å, sp. gr. R3m, and the TO\({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\)POOP structural type (T and \({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\) are oppositely oriented tetrahedral layers, O are octahedral layers, P are partially filled interpacket layers) has been established. Superstructures with superlattice period А1,2 = \(\sqrt 7 \)а, formed as a result of occupation of 6/7 of each octahedron with indium in the OOP packet, and a superstructure with the superlattice period А3 = 2а, formed by the distribution of 3/4 of In atoms and 1/4 vacancies over the octahedra included in the TO\({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\)P packet, are also established. It is shown that the different sulfur content in the samples leads to a different excess of cations in the octahedral layers of the TO\({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\)P packets and destruction of the superstructure.




3R 多型体的晶体结构,晶格参数а = 3.82 Å, с = 63.41 Å, sp。克。R 3 m,以及 TO \({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\) POOP 结构类型(T 和\({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\)方向相反四面体层,O 是八面体层,P 是部分填充的包间层)已经建立。具有超晶格周期А 1,2 = \(\sqrt 7 \) а 的上层结构,是由于 OOP 包中的铟占据每个八面体的 6/7 而形成的,以及具有超晶格周期А 3 = 2 а的上层结构,由 TO \({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\) P 包中包含的八面体上 3/4 的 In 原子和 1/4 空位的分布形成。结果表明,样品中不同的硫含量导致 TO \({{\bar {\text{T}}}}\) P 包八面体层中的阳离子不同过量,并导致上部结构的破坏。
