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Severe multiple therapy refractory colitis in a 46-year-old man
Gut ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2024-331934 Nora Carpay 1, 2 , Nanne K H de Boer 3 , Andra Neefjes-Borst 4 , Steven Bots 5
Gut ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2024-331934 Nora Carpay 1, 2 , Nanne K H de Boer 3 , Andra Neefjes-Borst 4 , Steven Bots 5
A 46-year-old male patient was referred to our tertiary care hospital with multiple therapy refractory severely active ulcerative colitis (diagnosis since approximately 1 year). He was previously treated with infliximab, prednisolone, vedolizumab, filgotinib and mercaptopurine. There was no significant medical history. Six weeks prior to admission at our ward, our patient was diagnosed with Kaposi sarcoma based on lesions on the feet and lower legs. His family history was positive for Crohn’s disease. On admission, a sigmoidoscopy was performed, of which the images are shown below (figure 1). In anticipation of the pathology results, prednisolone was restarted without significant clinical effect. Figure 1 Endoscopic view of the distal 25 cm of the colon and rectum. Additionally, an ultrasound was performed to determine the extent of the inflammation, as this …
一名 46 岁男性患有严重的多重治疗难治性结肠炎
一名 46 岁男性患者因多种治疗难治性严重活动性溃疡性结肠炎(诊断时间约 1 年)被转诊至我们的三级医院。他之前接受过英夫利昔单抗、泼尼松龙、维多珠单抗、非戈替尼和巯嘌呤治疗。没有明显的病史。入院前六周,我们的患者根据脚和小腿的病变被诊断为卡波西肉瘤。他的克罗恩病家族史呈阳性。入院时进行乙状结肠镜检查,图像如下所示(图 1)。在预计病理结果的情况下,重新使用泼尼松龙,但没有显着的临床效果。图 1 结肠和直肠远端 25 cm 的内窥镜视图。此外,还进行了超声波检查以确定炎症的程度,因为这……
一名 46 岁男性患有严重的多重治疗难治性结肠炎
一名 46 岁男性患者因多种治疗难治性严重活动性溃疡性结肠炎(诊断时间约 1 年)被转诊至我们的三级医院。他之前接受过英夫利昔单抗、泼尼松龙、维多珠单抗、非戈替尼和巯嘌呤治疗。没有明显的病史。入院前六周,我们的患者根据脚和小腿的病变被诊断为卡波西肉瘤。他的克罗恩病家族史呈阳性。入院时进行乙状结肠镜检查,图像如下所示(图 1)。在预计病理结果的情况下,重新使用泼尼松龙,但没有显着的临床效果。图 1 结肠和直肠远端 25 cm 的内窥镜视图。此外,还进行了超声波检查以确定炎症的程度,因为这……