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Intervention Optimization: A Paradigm Shift and Its Potential Implications for Clinical Psychology
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology ( IF 17.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-080822-051119
Linda M Collins 1, 2 , Inbal Nahum-Shani 3 , Kate Guastaferro 1 , Jillian C Strayhorn 1 , David J Vanness 4 , Susan A Murphy 5

To build a coherent knowledge base about what psychological intervention strategies work, develop interventions that have positive societal impact, and maintain and increase this impact over time, it is necessary to replace the classical treatment package research paradigm. The multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) is an alternative paradigm that integrates ideas from behavioral science, engineering, implementation science, economics, and decision science. MOST enables optimization of interventions to strategically balance effectiveness, affordability, scalability, and efficiency. In this review we provide an overview of MOST, discuss several experimental designs that can be used in intervention optimization, consider how the investigator can use experimental results to select components for inclusion in the optimized intervention, discuss the application of MOST in implementation science, and list future issues in this rapidly evolving field. We highlight the feasibility of adopting this new research paradigm as well as its potential to hasten the progress of psychological intervention science.



为了建立一个关于哪些心理干预策略有效的连贯知识库,开发具有积极社会影响的干预措施,并随着时间的推移保持和增加这种影响,有必要取代经典的治疗包研究范式。多阶段优化策略 (MOST) 是一种替代范式,它整合了行为科学、工程、实施科学、经济学和决策科学的思想。MOST 能够优化干预措施,以在战略上平衡有效性、可负担性、可扩展性和效率。在这篇综述中,我们概述了 MOST,讨论了几种可用于干预优化的实验设计,考虑研究者如何使用实验结果来选择纳入优化干预的组成部分,讨论 MOST 在实施科学中的应用,并列出这个快速发展的领域的未来问题。我们强调了采用这种新研究范式的可行性及其加速心理干预科学进步的潜力。