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Approaching Equality? Media Treatment of Male and Female Members of Presidential Cabinets in a Cross-Country Comparison
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2023.42
Brenna Armstrong , Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson

Generalizability of extant findings about media treatment of women in politics is uncertain because most research examines candidates for the legislature or heads of government, and little work moves beyond Anglo-American countries. We examine six presidential cabinets in Costa Rica, Uruguay, and the United States, which provide differing levels of women’s incorporation into government. These cases permit us to test hypotheses arguing that differences in media treatment of men and women cabinet ministers will decrease as women’s inclusion in government expands, and that media treatment of women is more critical when women head departments associated with masculine gender stereotypes. Results show that greater incorporation of women into government is associated with fewer gendered differences in media coverage, tone of minister coverage is more favorable for women who hold masculine stereotyped portfolios, and that the media does present qualifications of women cabinet ministers.


