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Depot slow charging is sufficient for most electric trucks in Germany
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104078
Daniel Speth , Patrick Plötz

Battery electric trucks (BETs) can dramatically reduce tail-pipe emissions from heavy-duty vehicles. However, their limited range necessitates frequent charging. Megawatt charging has been discussed as requirement and potential barrier for fast BET market diffusion. Here, we simulate all daily trips of 2,410 trucks in Germany as BETs with lowest charging power required. Assuming 450 – 700 km (2030 – 2050) range, the share of vehicles replaceable by BETs is higher than 90 %. Most charging events (>95 % of night charging, >75 % of day charging) need maximally 44 kW. Higher power, mostly 45 – 350 kW, is mainly needed during the day by up to 25 % of charging vehicles. Megawatt charging (MCS) higher than 350 kW is important for long-haul operation and delivers about 20 % of all BETs' electricity demand by 2035. In conclusion, low power depot charging is the main charging location for BETs, MCS is needed for long-haul operation.



电池电动卡车 (BET) 可以显着减少重型车辆的尾气排放。然而,它们的范围有限,需要频繁充电。兆瓦充电已被讨论为快速 BET 市场扩散的要求和潜在障碍。在这里,我们模拟了德国 2,410 辆卡车的所有日常行程,作为所需充电功率最低的 BET。假设续航里程为450 – 700公里(2030 – 2050年),BET可替代车辆的比例高于90%。大多数充电活动(>95% 的夜间充电,>75% 的白天充电)最大需要 44 kW。高达 25% 的充电车辆主要在白天需要更高的功率,主要为 45 – 350 kW。高于 350 kW 的兆瓦充电 (MCS) 对于长途运营非常重要,到 2035 年可满足所有 BET 电力需求的约 20%。 总之,低功率站点充电是 BET 的主要充电地点,MCS 是长途运营所需要的。 - 运输操作。