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Models of generating cultural authority: Academics and journalists on a digital platform
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101871
Shira Zilberstein

This study investigates the motivations and practices of information professions using a digital platform, with a focus on expanding definitions of cultural authority. While prior research has explored models such as citizen science and engaged journalism, which propose changes in the relationships between information producers, consumers, and content, limited attention has been given to professionals' practices and motivations for adopting different models. To address this gap, I conducted 78 interviews with information professionals who write digital newsletters and analyzed their professional backgrounds and newsletter texts. Through this analysis, four dominant models of generating cultural authority emerged, which are linked to how professionals use digital platforms, as well as their goals for information production. Professionals generate cultural authority as (1) hierarchical expertise to produce knowledge as a public good; (2) accountability and transparency to contest dominant discourses; (3) intimacy and trust to exercise creativity; and (4) the incorporation of positionality and multiple perspectives to foster community. The findings challenge the prevailing notion that professionals' practices are primarily influenced by access to capital, instead highlighting the significance of motivations and the redefinition of roles and goals in content production. By illuminating the shifting meanings of expertise and professionalism on new media platforms, the study contributes to ongoing debates about truth, value, public trust, and the role of information professionals in public life.



本研究调查了信息职业使用数字平台的动机和实践,重点是扩大文化权威的定义。虽然先前的研究探索了公民科学和参与式新闻等模型,这些模型提出了信息生产者、消费者和内容之间关系的变化,但对专业人士采用不同模型的实践和动机的关注有限。为了弥补这一差距,我对撰写数字新闻通讯的信息专业人士进行了 78 次采访,并分析了他们的专业背景和新闻通讯文本。通过这种分析,出现了产生文化权威的四种主要模式,这些模式与专业人士如何使用数字平台以及他们的信息生产目标有关。专业人士通过以下方式产生文化权威:(1) 等级专业知识,以产生作为公共物品的知识; (2) 对抗主流话语的问责制和透明度; (3) 亲密和信任,以发挥创造力; (4) 结合立场和多种观点来培育社区。研究结果挑战了专业人士的实践主要受资本获取影响的普遍观念,而是强调了动机的重要性以及内容制作中角色和目标的重新定义。通过阐明新媒体平台上专业知识和专业精神的不断变化的含义,该研究有助于推动有关真理、价值、公众信任以及信息专业人员在公共生活中的作用的持续辩论。