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Biotic and thermal drivers alter zooplankton phenology in western Lake Erie
Limnology and Oceanography Letters ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-02 , DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10377
Jenna Bailey 1 , James M. Hood 1, 2

Environmental change, particularly warming and eutrophication, can alter phenology in aquatic systems. Understanding controls on zooplankton phenology is important due to their central role in food webs. While patterns in zooplankton phenology have been well documented, we lack an understanding of how abiotic and biotic drivers influence lake zooplankton phenology during the summer. We examined the phenology of four common zooplankton taxa (Daphnia retrocurva, Skistodiaptomus oregonensis, Mesocyclops spp., Dreissenid veligers) in western Lake Erie during 1995–2022, a period with increasing eutrophication and Bythotrephes longimanus biomass. Many phenology metrics varied by 3 weeks or more from 1995 to 2022. The dominant controls of phenology were temperature and biotic factors, especially grazer-defended phytoplankton (cyanobacteria and other colonial or filamentous taxa) and the invasive predator B. longimanus, which frequently interacted. Our results show that aspects of environmental change interact to shape zooplankton phenology, which can influence phytoplankton biomass and energy flow to higher trophic levels.



环境变化,特别是变暖和富营养化,可以改变水生系统的物候。了解浮游动物物候的控制非常重要,因为它们在食物网中发挥着核心作用。虽然浮游动物物候模式已得到充分记录,但我们对非生物和生物驱动因素如何影响夏季湖泊浮游动物物候缺乏了解。我们研究了1995 年至 2022 年伊利湖西部四种常见浮游动物类群(逆曲水蚤Skistodiaptomus oregonensisMesocyclops spp.、Dreissenid veligers)的物候,该时期是富营养化和Bythotrephes longimanus生物量增加的时期。从 1995 年到 2022 年,许多物候指标变化了 3 周或更长时间。物候的主要控制因素是温度和生物因素,尤其是食草动物防御的浮游植物(蓝藻和其他群体或丝状类群)和入侵捕食者B. longimanus,它们经常相互作用。我们的结果表明,环境变化的各个方面相互作用,形成浮游动物物候,这可以影响浮游植物生物量和能量流向更高的营养级。