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Revision operators with compact representations
Artificial Intelligence ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2024.104080
Pavlos Peppas , Mary-Anne Williams , Grigoris Antoniou

Despite the great theoretical advancements in the area of Belief Revision, there has been limited success in terms of implementations. One of the hurdles in implementing revision operators is that their specification (let alone their computation), requires substantial resources. On the other hand, implementing a specific revision operator, like Dalal's operator, would be of limited use. In this paper we generalise Dalal's construction, defining a whole family of concrete revision operators, called or for short. This family is wide enough to cover a wide range of different applications, and at the same time it is easy to represent. In addition to its semantic definition, we characterise the family of PD operators axiomatically (including a characterisation specifically for Dalal's operator), we prove its' compliance with Parikh's relevance-sensitive postulate (P), we study its computational complexity, and discuss its benefits for belief revision implementations.



尽管信念修正领域的理论取得了巨大进步,但在实施方面却取得了有限的成功。实现修订运算符的障碍之一是它们的规范(更不用说它们的计算)需要大量资源。另一方面,实现特定的修订运算符(如 Dalal 运算符)的用途有限。在本文中,我们概括了 Dalal 的构造,定义了一整套具体修正运算符,简称为 或 。该系列足够广泛,可以涵盖广泛的不同应用,同时也很容易表示。除了其语义定义之外,我们还公理地描述了 PD 算子族(包括专门针对 Dalal 算子的描述),证明了其符合 Parikh 的相关性敏感假设 (P),研究了其计算复杂性,并讨论了其好处用于信念修正实施。