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Nowhere Else to Go: Housing Insecurity in a Hispanic-Majority Rural County During the COVID-19 Pandemic☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12529
Morgan Montañez 1

Northern New Mexico was uniquely vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic and its fallout. Its Hispanic majority, aging population, and decreased access to healthcare put many of the communities in this area of the United States at risk. Taos County was particularly at increased risk of impact from COVID-19. The county was also more vulnerable to the economic consequences of a pandemic due to reliance on tourism; this meant major impacts for individual households. As unemployment and poverty increased—and pandemic relief program rollouts floundered—the consequences meant precarity for many families. One of the most visible impacts of the pandemic was the inability to access affordable housing. This paper, based on 58 in-depth interviews and 5 months of participant observation, explores experiences of homelessness and housing insecurity among an already vulnerable population during the pandemic, illustrating the ways in which many people struggled. Importantly, this paper explores differences in patterns of housing insecurity among rural White and rural Hispanic participants during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this paper advocates the importance of looking at nuanced patterns of dealing with housing precarity in the rural setting as the ways in which different populations cope impact the forms of help that are needed when housing becomes a problem.


无处可去:COVID-19 大流行期间西班牙裔占多数的农村县的住房不安全☆

新墨西哥州北部特别容易受到 COVID-19 大流行及其影响的影响。西班牙裔人口占多数、人口老龄化以及医疗保健机会减少,使美国该地区的许多社区面临风险。陶斯县受 COVID-19 影响的风险尤其增加。由于对旅游业的依赖,该县也更容易受到大流行病的经济影响;这对个别家庭意味着重大影响。随着失业和贫困的增加,以及大流行病救助计划的推出陷入困境,其后果意味着许多家庭的不稳定。这一流行病最明显的影响之一是无法获得经济适用房。本文基于 58 次深度访谈和 5 个月的参与观察,探讨了大流行期间本已脆弱的人群无家可归和住房不安全的经历,说明了许多人的挣扎方式。重要的是,本文探讨了 COVID-19 大流行期间农村白人和农村西班牙裔参与者住房不安全模式的差异。此外,本文还主张研究农村地区解决住房不稳定问题的微妙模式的重要性,因为不同人群的应对方式会影响住房成为问题时所需的帮助形式。