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One (Financial Well-Being) Model Fits All? Testing the Multidimensional Subjective Financial Well-Being Scale Across Nine Countries
Journal of Happiness Studies ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10902-024-00708-z
Angela Sorgente , Bünyamin Atay , Marc Aubrey , Shikha Bhatia , Carla Crespo , Gabriela Fonseca , Oya Yerin Güneri , Žan Lep , David Lessard , Oana Negru-Subtirica , Alda Portugal , Mette Ranta , Ana Paula Relvas , Nidhi Singh , Ulrike Sirsch , Maja Zupančič , Margherita Lanz

A multidimensional model of emerging adults’ subjective financial well-being was proposed (Sorgente and Lanz, Int Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(5), 466–478 2019). The authors also developed a 5-factor scale (the Multidimensional Subjective Financial Well-being Scale, MSFWBS) intending to measure this construct in the European context. To date, data using this instrument have been collected in nine countries: Austria, Canada, Finland, India, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey. In the current study, data from these countries were analysed to test the validity of this model internationally. In particular, using an international sample of 4,475 emerging adults, we collected the following kinds of validity evidence for the MSFWBS: score structure, reliability, generalizability, convergent, and criterion-related evidence. Findings suggest that the MSFWBS (1) yields valid and reliable scores, and (2) works well in individualistic and economically developed countries, producing comparable scores. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.



提出了新兴成年人主观财务福祉的多维模型(Sorgente 和 Lanz, Int Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(5), 466–478 2019)。作者还开发了一个 5 因素量表(多维主观财务福利量表,MSFWBS),旨在在欧洲背景下衡量这一结构。迄今为止,已在九个国家使用该仪器收集了数据:奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、印度、意大利、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛文尼亚和土耳其。在当前的研究中,对这些国家的数据进行了分析,以检验该模型在国际上的有效性。特别是,我们使用 4,475 名新兴成年人的国际样本,收集了 MSFWBS 的以下类型的有效性证据:评分结构、可靠性、普遍性、收敛性和标准相关证据。研究结果表明,MSFWBS (1) 产生有效且可靠的分数,(2) 在个人主义和经济发达国家运作良好,产生可比较的分数。讨论了对研究人员和从业者的影响。
