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Ride-sourcing demand in Metro Vancouver: Looking through the lens of disability
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.103984
Felita Ong , Patrick Loa , Khandker Nurul Habib

The availability of ride-sourcing services provided by Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) can improve access to opportunities for persons with disabilities. This segment of the population, which tends to have fewer transportation options, can benefit from the on-demand and flexible nature of ride-sourcing. Despite the potential for ride-sourcing to improve equitable access, little research exists on the use of ride-sourcing by persons with disabilities and its influence on their use of other modes. To address this gap, this study focuses on understanding the characteristics of ride-sourcing trips made by persons with disabilities and the factors influencing their substitution of public transit and taxis. Using survey data collected in the Metro Vancouver area, this study also compares the behaviour of persons with and without disabilities. Results indicate a larger share of ride-sourcing adopters among persons with disabilities and that ride-sourcing is used more frequently by this group compared to persons without disabilities. Empirical models reveal little overlap between the factors that influence these two population groups' replacements of public transit and taxis. Some of the significant factors influencing the use of TNCs in place of transit and taxis include age, income, transit pass ownership, going to the airport, wanting to avoid drinking and driving, faster travel times, and lower costs. The results of this study can help inform the development of policies to facilitate trip-making among persons with disabilities.



交通网络公司 (TNC) 提供的乘车采购服务可以改善残疾人获得机会的机会。这部分人群的交通选择往往较少,可以从乘车采购的按需和灵活特性中受益。尽管拼车服务具有改善公平出行的潜力,但关于残疾人使用拼车服务及其对他们使用其他模式的影响的研究却很少。为了解决这一差距,本研究的重点是了解残疾人乘坐出行的特征以及影响他们替代公共交通和出租车的因素。这项研究还利用在大温哥华地区收集的调查数据,比较了残疾人和非残疾人的行为。结果表明,与非残疾人相比,残疾人采用共享出行的比例更大,并且该群体使用共享出行的频率更高。实证模型显示,影响这两个人群更换公共交通和出租车的因素之间几乎没有重叠。影响使用跨国公司代替交通和出租车的一些重要因素包括年龄、收入、拥有交通通行证、去机场、希望避免酒后驾车、更快的旅行时间和更低的成本。这项研究的结果可以帮助制定政策,以促进残疾人出行。
