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Incarcerated Veterans and their Adaptation to Prison
American Journal of Criminal Justice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s12103-024-09754-y
Melissa J. Stacer , Monica Solinas-Saunders

In 2016, an estimated 107,400 veterans were incarcerated in the U.S. (Maruschak et al., 2021), comprising part of the population known as “justice-involved veterans,” veterans involved in the criminal justice system. The current study explores the influence military training had on the way justice-involved veterans “do time” in prison. In sharp contrast to the misconduct literature, which utilizes quantitative data and links variables statistically to some measurement of prison misconduct, the current study is one of the first to qualitatively explore how incarcerated veterans connect their military experiences to their adjustment to prison life by giving voice to the veterans themselves. Forty-three currently incarcerated veterans in a Midwestern state were interviewed. They described how they acclimatized to the correctional environment utilizing the discipline and adherence to structure learned during their military service. If justice-involved veterans adapt to the prison environment by relying on their military training, then it may be possible to help them further utilize that training to succeed in rehabilitation and reentry.



2016 年,估计有 107,400 名退伍军人在美国被监禁(Maruschak 等,2021),其中包括被称为“参与司法的退伍军人”(参与刑事司法系统的退伍军人)的一部分。目前的研究探讨了军事训练对参与正义的退伍军人在监狱中“度过时光”的方式的影响。与不当行为文献形成鲜明对比的是,该文献利用定量数据并将变量与监狱不当行为的某些衡量标准联系起来,当前的研究是第一个定性探索被监禁的退伍军人如何通过发表意见将他们的军事经历与他们对监狱生活的适应联系起来的研究之一。给退伍军人自己。中西部一个州的 43 名目前被监禁的退伍军人接受了采访。他们描述了如何利用服兵役期间学到的纪律和遵守结构来适应惩教环境。如果参与司法的退伍军人依靠军事训练来适应监狱环境,那么或许可以帮助他们进一步利用训练来成功康复和重返监狱。
