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The technical and economic effects of biodiversity standards on wheat production
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-30 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbad044
Marie Lassalas 1 , Sabine Duvaleix 1 , Laure Latruffe 2

Our paper assesses the technical and economic effects of adopting environmental standards aimed at favouring biodiversity on wheat production. We consider two standards with different levels of environmental stringency. We use data on French wheat production at the plot level from the period 2014–2020. We implement an endogenous switching regression model taking into account two sources of endogeneity, environmental standards adoption and inputs quantity use. Our results indicate that adopting the more stringent standard slightly decreases wheat yield and quality. In contrast, it induces a low increase in wheat price. The price premium of the more stringent environmental standard merely compensates for the negative effect of the standard’s adoption on quality.



我们的论文评估了采用旨在促进小麦生产生物多样性的环境标准的技术和经济影响。我们考虑了两种具有不同环境严格程度的标准。我们使用 2014 年至 2020 年期间法国小麦产量的数据。我们实施内生切换回归模型,考虑到内生性的两个来源:环境标准的采用和投入数量的使用。我们的结果表明,采用更严格的标准会略微降低小麦的产量和质量。相反,它导致小麦价格小幅上涨。更严格的环境标准的价格溢价仅仅补偿了该标准的采用对质量的负面影响。