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Effects of Acute Physical Fatigue on Gaze Behavior in Expert Badminton Players
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-28 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2023-0075
Mildred Loiseau Taupin 1, 2 , Alexis Ruffault 1, 3 , Jean Slawinski 1 , Dimitri Bayle 4

Perceptual cognitive skills in real game settings, under conditions of fatigue, such as the ability to gather relevant visual information, are key factors in achieving motor goals in sports. The objectives were to evaluate the effects of acute physical fatigue on gaze behavior during a badminton game (Study 1) and in an unfavorable force ratio situation (Study 2). Six international-level badminton players played two sets and unfavorable force ratio situations while wearing eye-tracking glasses before and after a fatiguing task. During the set, fatiguing physical exercise led to fewer fixations per exchange and more fixations on one area of interest. During unfavorable force ratio situations, fatiguing physical exercise led to shorter fixation durations per exchange, shorter fixation durations on two areas of interest, and longer fixation durations on one area of interest. The results showed that gaze behaviors were adapted in acute physical fatigue conditions to maintain performance.



在疲劳条件下的真实比赛环境中的感知认知技能,例如收集相关视觉信息的能力,是实现运动目标的关键因素。目的是评估羽毛球比赛期间(研究 1)和不利的力量比情况(研究 2)中急性身体疲劳对注视行为的影响。六名国际级羽毛球运动员在疲劳任务前后佩戴眼动眼镜进行了两盘比赛,并在力比不利的情况下进行比赛。在一组训练中,疲劳的体育锻炼导致每次交换的注意力减少,而对一个感兴趣的领域的注意力增加。在不利的力比情况下,疲劳的体育锻炼会导致每次交换的注视持续时间较短、两个感兴趣区域的注视持续时间较短以及一个感兴趣区域的注视持续时间较长。结果表明,在严重的身体疲劳条件下,凝视行为会被调整以保持表现。
