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Two-component nematic superconductivity in 4Hb-TaS2
Nature Communications ( IF 14.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45169-3
I Silber 1 , S Mathimalar 2 , I Mangel 3 , A K Nayak 2 , O Green 1 , N Avraham 2 , H Beidenkopf 2 , I Feldman 3 , A Kanigel 3 , A Klein 4, 5 , M Goldstein 1 , A Banerjee 6 , E Sela 1 , Y Dagan 1

Most superconductors have an isotropic, single component order parameter and are well described by the standard (BCS) theory for superconductivity. Unconventional, multiple-component superconductors are exceptionally rare and are much less understood. Here, we combine scanning tunneling microscopy and angle-resolved macroscopic transport for studying the candidate chiral superconductor, 4Hb-TaS2. We reveal quasi-periodic one-dimensional modulations in the tunneling conductance accompanied by two-fold symmetric superconducting critical field. The strong modulation of the in-plane critical field, Hc2, points to a nematic, unconventional order parameter. However, the imaged vortex core is isotropic at low temperatures. We suggest a model that reconciles this apparent discrepancy and takes into account previously observed spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking at low temperatures. The model describes a competition between a dominating chiral superconducting order parameter and a nematic one. The latter emerges close to the normal phase. Our results strongly support the existence of two-component superconductivity in 4Hb-TaS2 and can provide valuable insights into other systems with coexistent charge order and superconductivity.


4Hb-TaS2 中的双组分向列超导

大多数超导体具有各向同性、单组分有序参数,并且可以通过超导标准 (BCS) 理论进行很好的描述。非常规的多组分超导体非常罕见,人们对其了解也少得多。在这里,我们结合扫描隧道显微镜和角度分辨宏观输运来研究候选手性超导体 4Hb-TaS 2 。我们揭示了隧道电导的准周期一维调制伴随着二次对称超导临界场。面内临界场 H c 2的强调制指向向列、非常规有序参数。然而,成像的涡核在低温下是各向同性的。我们提出了一个模型来协调这种明显的差异,并考虑到先前观察到的低温下自发时间反转对称性破缺。该模型描述了占主导地位的手性超导有序参数和向列有序参数之间的竞争。后者接近正常阶段。我们的结果有力地支持了 4Hb-TaS 2中双组分超导性的存在,并且可以为其他具有共存电荷序和超导性的系统提供有价值的见解。
