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Testing theories of gravity with planetary ephemerides
Living Reviews in Relativity ( IF 26.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s41114-023-00047-0
Agnès Fienga , Olivier Minazzoli

We describe here how planetary ephemerides are built in the framework of General Relativity and how they can be used to test alternative theories. We focus on the definition of the reference frame (space and time) in which the planetary ephemeris is described, the equations of motion that govern the orbits of solar system bodies and electromagnetic waves. After a review on the existing planetary and lunar ephemerides, we summarize the results obtained considering full modifications of the ephemeris framework with direct comparisons with the observations of planetary systems, with a specific attention for the PPN formalism. We then discuss other formalisms such as Einstein-dilaton theories, the massless graviton and MOND. The paper finally concludes on some comments and recommendations regarding misinterpreted measurements of the advance of perihelia.



我们在这里描述了如何在广义相对论的框架中构建行星星历表以及如何使用它们来测试替代理论。我们重点关注描述行星星历的参考系(空间和时间)的定义,以及控制太阳系天体和电磁波轨道的运动方程。在回顾现有的行星和月球星历表后,我们总结了考虑对星历表框架进行全面修改并与行星系统的观测直接比较所获得的结果,特别关注 PPN 形式主义。然后我们讨论其他形式主义,例如爱因斯坦膨胀理论、无质量引力子和 MOND。本文最后总结了一些关于对近日点推进的误解测量的评论和建议。
