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Understanding the expectations of parents regarding their children's school commuting by public transport using latent Dirichlet Allocation
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.103986
Mariza Motta Queiroz , Carlos Roque , Filipe Moura , João Marôco

Parents’ perceptions regarding public transport and active modes influence the youth's acceptance and support for sustainable school commuting. Urban mobility surveys can gather such insights by utilizing closed and open-ended questions. The latter, particularly, holds the potential for nuanced expectations and insights from Public Transport (PT) users, often absent in closed-ended responses. This paper proposes a methodology utilizing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to extract valuable information from open-ended survey responses, shedding light on parents' expectations regarding their children's school commute via PT. Analyzing responses from two surveys involving 448 households, with a focus on parents in the Lisbon Metro Area, spanning the school years of 2017–2018 and 2018–2019, and pre-and post-field interventions, our study employs LDA to assess households' criticisms and recommendations for improving public transport services. Our findings illustrate a shift from general criticisms in the initial survey to proactive suggestions in the subsequent one, aligning with marketing efforts to foster more sustainable school commuting with PT. Empirically, our study underscores LDA's efficacy in capturing users' feedback often neglected by closed-ended questions. Effective preprocessing of textual data facilitates streamlined field interventions. Overall, our contribution provides user-centered insights to inform PT policymakers, promoting the incorporation of user-driven enhancements.



家长对公共交通和活动方式的看法影响青少年对可持续学校通勤的接受和支持。城市交通调查可以通过利用封闭式和开放式问题来收集此类见解。尤其是后者,有可能引起公共交通 (PT) 用户细致入微的期望和见解,而这些期望和见解往往在封闭式回答中缺失。本文提出了一种利用潜在狄利克雷分配 (LDA) 从开放式调查回复中提取有价值信息的方法,揭示了家长对孩子通过 PT 上学的期望。我们的研究分析了涉及 448 个家庭的两项调查的答复,重点关注里斯本都会区的家长,跨越 2017-2018 学年和 2018-2019 学年,以及现场干预前后,我们的研究采用 LDA 来评估家庭的对改善公共交通服务的批评和建议。我们的研究结果表明,从最初调查中的普遍批评转变为后续调查中的积极建议,与营销努力相一致,以促进通过 PT 实现更可持续的学校通勤。根据经验,我们的研究强调了 LDA 在捕获经常被封闭式问题忽视的用户反馈方面的功效。文本数据的有效预处理有助于简化现场干预。总的来说,我们的贡献提供了以用户为中心的见解,为 PT 政策制定者提供信息,促进用户驱动的增强功能的结合。
