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The International Law Commission's Seventy-Fourth (2023) Session: General Principles of Law and Other Topics
American Journal of International Law ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.1017/ajil.2023.59
Charles Chernor Jalloh

The International Law Commission (ILC or Commission) held its seventy-fourth session at its seat in Switzerland from April 24 to June 2 and from July 3 to August 4, 2023, and met fully in person for the first time since the COVID-19 global health pandemic. The Commission, which has had a gender imbalance in its composition, was chaired for the first time by two successive female chairs: Nilüfer Oral (Türkiye) for the first half session; followed by Patrícia Galvão Teles (Portugal) for the second half session.


国际法委员会第七十四届(2023 年)会议:法律一般原则和其他主题

国际法委员会(ILC或委员会)于2023年4月24日至6月2日和7月3日至8月4日在瑞士所在地举行了第七十四届会议,这是自COVID-19以来首次举行面对面会议全球健康大流行。该委员会的组成存在性别失衡,首次由两位连续女性主席担任主席:Nilüfer Oral(土耳其)担任上半场会议;Nilüfer Oral(土耳其)担任上半场会议;下半场比赛中,帕特里夏·加尔旺·特莱斯(葡萄牙)紧随其后。
