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What Mental Health and Wellbeing Interventions Work for Which Children and Young People in Care? Systematic Review of Potential Outcome Inequities
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s10560-023-00956-7
Rhiannon Evans , Rob Trubey , Sarah MacDonald , Jane Noyes , Michael Robling , Simone Willis , Maria Boffey , Charlotte Wooders , Soo Vinnicombe , G. J. Melendez-Torres

Children and young people with care-experience (e.g. foster, kinship and residential care) report poorer mental health and wellbeing than the general population. Despite an emerging evidence-base for intervention, it is not clear if current approaches create, exacerbate or mitigate outcome inequities between different types of participants. We conducted a systematic review of international interventions targeting mental health, subjective wellbeing and suicide-related outcomes amongst care-experienced children and young people aged up to 25 years old. The review included a narrative synthesis of intervention inequities, exploring if they were more or less effective for different participant groups. Eight interventions, with 14 study reports, presented relevant data. Overall, there was no clear evidence that intervention participation could lead to inequitable impacts, being more or less effective for different groups. However, there was some tentative indication that individuals with lower exposure to maltreatment, fewer care placements, and increased baseline mental health problems, might be more responsive to intervention than other participants. There was limited evidence for wellbeing and no data availability for suicide. Future intervention evaluation should focus on assessing if there is potential to create, sustain or exacerbate inequities, and how approaches may be designed to mitigate this risk.



有护理经历(例如寄养、亲属和寄宿护理)的儿童和青少年的心理健康状况和幸福感比一般人群较差。尽管干预的证据基础不断涌现,但目前尚不清楚当前的方法是否会造成、加剧或减轻不同类型参与者之间的结果不平等。我们对有护理经验的儿童和 25 岁以下青少年的心理健康、主观幸福感和自杀相关结果的国际干预措施进行了系统回顾。该审查包括对干预不平等的叙述综合,探讨干预措施对不同参与者群体是否或多或少有效。 8 项干预措施,14 份研究报告,提供了相关数据。总体而言,没有明确的证据表明干预参与可能会导致不公平的影响,对不同群体或多或少有效。然而,有一些初步迹象表明,遭受虐待较少、护理安置较少、基线心理健康问题较多的个人可能比其他参与者对干预更敏感。关于健康的证据有限,也没有关于自杀的可用数据。未来的干预评估应侧重于评估是否有可能造成、维持或加剧不平等,以及如何设计方法来减轻这种风险。
