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Multilayer structural path analysis of CO2 emissions in China’s transportation sector
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104083
Dajie Zuo , Liang Zhao , Zhaoyang Lu , Qiao Xiong , Yongji Luo

Large amount of CO2 is generated from numerous production chains, which exists between the final demand of transportation and the intermediate demand of each production sector. Certain key sectors and production chains bear a greater responsibility for reducing these CO2 emissions. To explore this problem, this study investigates China’s transportation CO2 emissions based on the multi-layered structural paths by utilizing the environmental input–output model and the structural path analysis method. Several crucial findings are revealed from our analysis. Firstly, the CO2 emissions resulting from transportation final demand and intermediate demand display a significant upward trend. Secondly, four major CO2 emitting sectors are identified. Thirdly, the key production chain paths of transportation demand leading to CO2 emissions are found. Finally, the study concludes emphasizes that the efforts to reduce CO2 emissions in the transportation sector should focus on the key sectors and production chains in the transportation sector.
