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Left-behind places in central and eastern Europe—labour productivity aspect
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsae001
Pawel Dobrzanski 1, 2 , Sebastian Bobowski 3 , Karenjit Clare 4

In the 21st century, there have already been a series of economic downturns, particularly the Subprime Crisis 2007–2009 and the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. All those events triggered changes in productivity, economic performance and structure. The main objective of this study is to identify the regions left behind in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries and to analyse the structural and productivity changes taking place within them. In our analysis, we aim to verify the research hypothesis that all left-behind regions in CEE have similar economic structures with a high share of agriculture. The research period covers the years from 2010 until 2020 using data from the Eurostat database. In the first phase of our analysis, we analysed employment, Gross Value Added (GVA) and productivity data for 11 CEE countries. Then, we analysed the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics at level 3 (NUTS3) regions, and Poland, which is a NUTS2 region. Left-behind regions are defined as those with low productivity and low growth rates. We provide a detailed analysis of the best and worst performing regions in terms of productivity for each country using productivity data and shift-share decomposition of productivity growth rate. Left-behind regions for each CEE country have been identified, and these are BG333, BG342, CZ080, EE004, HR023, HU332, LT027, LV005, PL72, RO216, RO312, SI032, SI035, SI038 and SK032. In our analysis, our hypothesis analysing the relationship between agriculture share in total employment and the productivity level of the region was not confirmed.



进入21世纪,已经发生了一系列经济衰退,特别是2007-2009年的次贷危机和2020年的Covid-19大流行。所有这些事件都引发了生产力、经济表现和结构的变化。本研究的主要目的是确定中东欧 (CEE) 国家落后的地区,并分析这些地区发生的结构和生产力变化。在我们的分析中,我们旨在验证中东欧所有留守地区具有相似的经济结构且农业比重较高的研究假设。研究期间涵盖 2010 年至 2020 年,使用欧盟统计局数据库的数据。在分析的第一阶段,我们分析了 11 个中东欧国家的就业、总增加值 (GVA) 和生产率数据。然后,我们分析了 3 级统计领土单位命名法 (NUTS3) 地区以及属于 NUTS2 地区的波兰。落后地区是指生产率低、增长率低的地区。我们使用生产率数据和生产率增长率的转移份额分解,对每个国家的生产率表现最好和最差的地区进行详细分析。每个中东欧国家的落后地区已经确定,分别是BG333、BG342、CZ080、EE004、HR023、HU332、LT027、LV005、PL72、RO216、RO312、SI032、SI035、SI038和SK032。在我们的分析中,我们分析农业占总就业份额与该地区生产力水平之间关系的假设并未得到证实。