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Acute cholecystitis: how to avoid subtotal cholecystectomy—preliminary results
World Journal of Emergency Surgery ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s13017-024-00534-x
Adriana Toro 1 , Martina Rapisarda 2 , Davide Maugeri 3 , Alessandro Terrasi 2 , Luisa Gallo 2 , Luca Ansaloni 3 , Fausto Catena 4 , Isidoro Di Carlo 2

The aim of this manuscript is to illustrate a new method permitting safe cholecystectomy in terms of complications with respect to the common bile duct (CBD). The core of this new technique is identification of the continuity of the cystic duct with the infundibulum. The cystic duct can be identified between the inner gallbladder wall and inflamed outer wall. In the last 2 years, from January 2019 until December 2021, 3 patients have been treated with the reported technique without complications. Among the various cholecystectomy procedures, this is a new approach that ensures the safety of the structures of Calot’s triangle while providing the advantages gained from total removal of the gallbladder.


