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Habitability as a historical category for interpreting the Anthropocene
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2023.12.002
Mauricio Onetto Pavez

The article examines the development of a new discourse on habitability in the sixteenth century, which breaks with the ancient notion that distinguished between habitable and uninhabitable spaces according to their climate and location. In it, a new conception of the world as completely habitable and exploitable is articulated, and the European ideal of a temperate climate as a reference to characterize the territories and inhabitants of various latitudes is put forward. I considered more than sixty texts related to cosmography, and a hundred maps and diagrams that were published and circulated as Europe expanded around the globe in the early modern period, and that exhibit new semantics and meanings about habitability. This study, through the analysis of these specific sources, aims to contribute to the debate on the origins of the Anthropocene and the political and imaginative logic that enables its development. The author suggests that the discursive pillars that shaped modern thinking about habitability were crucial in giving life to the ideas of extractivism, speculation, and unlimited connectivity that structures the Anthropocene.



本文探讨了 16 世纪关于宜居性的新论述的发展,它打破了根据气候和位置区分宜居空间和不宜居空间的古老观念。其中阐述了一种完全适宜居住和可开发的世界的新概念,并提出了欧洲理想的温带气候作为描述不同纬度地区和居民特征的参考。我考虑了六十多篇与宇宙学相关的文本,以及一百张地图和图表,这些地图和图表是随着欧洲在近代早期向全球扩张而出版和流传的,它们展现了有关宜居性的新语义和含义。这项研究通过对这些具体来源的分析,旨在为关于人类世起源以及促进其发展的政治和想象逻辑的辩论做出贡献。作者认为,塑造现代宜居性思维的话语支柱对于赋予提取主义、投机和构建人类世的无限连通性等理念至关重要。