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Collaborative Autoethnography and Reclaiming an African Episteme: Investigating “Customary” Ownership of Natural Resources
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2023.112
Francis Abonga , Jacky Atingo , Jacob Awachango , Akena Denis , Julian Hopwood , Ocitti James , Opiyo Dick Kinyera , Susan Lajul , Auma Lucky , Joseph Okello

Collaborative autoethnography can function as a means of reclaiming certain African realities that have been co-opted by colonial epistemes and language. This can be significant in very concrete ways: northern Uganda is suffering a catastrophic loss of tree cover, much of which is taking place on the collective family landholdings that academia and the development sector have categorized as “customary land.” A collaboration by ten members of such landholding families, known as the Acholi Land Lab, explores what “customary ownership” means to them and their relatives, with a view to understanding what may be involved in promoting sustainable domestic use of natural resources, including trees.



