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Mapping the Iron Age in Southern Africa: Magnetometry at two Iron Age villages in Western Zambia
Journal of Archaeological Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2024.105937
Zachary McKeeby

In recent years the use of near-surface geophysical survey – especially magnetometry – has been on the rise across sub-Saharan Africa, illustrating its utility at both large and/or built-up sites with stone architecture, as well as smaller and more ephemeral village sites in equatorial and sub-tropical regions of the continent. This article describes geophysical surveys and excavations at Nanga and Kanono, two Iron Age village sites in the Machile Valley, Western Zambia, undertaken between 2019 and 2022. Surveys allowed for detailed analyses of village layouts and showed the relationship between domestic areas and areas of iron production. Subsequent ground-truthing of both domestic and iron production areas elucidated differential spatial patterns of iron production stages (i.e., smelting and smithing) between village sites dating to between 800 and 1400, and allowed for the identification, excavation, and analyses of several Early Iron Age smelting furnaces.



近年来,近地表地球物理勘测(尤其是磁力测量)在撒哈拉以南非洲地区的使用呈上升趋势,这说明了其在大型和/或石头建筑建筑场地以及较小和更短暂的场地中的实用性。非洲大陆赤道和亚热带地区的村庄遗址。本文介绍了 2019 年至 2022 年间在赞比亚西部马奇莱河谷的两个铁器时代村庄遗址南加和卡诺诺进行的地球物理调查和挖掘。调查可以对村庄布局进行详细分析,并显示家庭区域和铁矿面积之间的关系生产。随后对国内和铁产区的地面实况阐明了 800 年至 1400 年村庄遗址之间铁生产阶段(即冶炼和锻造)的差异空间模式,并允许对一些早期铁器进行识别、挖掘和分析。时代熔炼炉。
