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Knowledge management in boards of directors: effects of informational faultlines
Journal of Knowledge Management ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-26 , DOI: 10.1108/jkm-07-2023-0573
Alana Vandebeek , Wim Voordeckers , Jolien Huybrechts , Frank Lambrechts


The purpose of this study is to examine how informational faultlines on a board affect the management of knowledge owned by directors and the consequences on organizational performance. In this study, informational faultlines are defined as hypothetical lines that divide a group into relatively homogeneous subgroups based on the alignment of several informational attributes among board members.


The study uses unique hand-collected panel data covering 7,247 board members at 106 publicly traded firms to provide strong support for the hypothesized U-shaped relationship. The authors use a fixed effects approach and a system generalized method of moments approach to test the hypothesis.


The study finds that the relationship between informational faultlines on a board and organizational performance is U shaped, with the least optimal organizational performance experienced when boards have moderate informational faultlines. More specifically, informational faultlines within boards are negatively related to organizational performance across the weak-to-moderate range of informational faultlines and positively related to organizational performance across the moderate-to-strong range.

Research limitations/implications

By explaining the mechanisms through which informational faultlines are related to organizational performance, the authors contribute to the literature in a number of ways. By conceptualizing how the management of knowledge plays an important role in the particular setting of corporate boards, the authors add not only to literature on knowledge management but also to the faultline and corporate governance literature.


This study offers a rationale for prior mixed findings by providing an alternative theoretical basis to explain the effect of informational faultlines within boards on organizational performance. To advance the field, the authors build on the concept of knowledge demonstrability to illuminate how informational faultlines affect the management of knowledge within boards, which will translate to organizational performance.






该研究使用了独特的手工收集面板数据,涵盖 106 家上市公司的 7,247 名董事会成员,为假设的 U 形关系提供了强有力的支持。作者使用固定效应方法和系统广义矩方法来检验假设。


研究发现,董事会的信息断层与组织绩效之间的关系呈 U 形,当董事会具有中等信息断层时,组织绩效最不理想。更具体地说,董事会内的信息断层与弱到中等信息断层范围内的组织绩效负相关,而与中到强范围内的组织绩效正相关。




