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Role of organizational characteristics on counterproductive knowledge behavior: a meta-analysis
Journal of Knowledge Management ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1108/jkm-01-2023-0031
Yuwen Cen , Changfeng Wang , Yaqi Huang


In recent years, counterproductive knowledge behavior (CKB) and its types have received increasing interest in knowledge management as the degree of knowledge sharing and innovation in enterprises continues to increase. A rapidly growing number of studies have shed light on the important antecedents and consequences of employees’ CKB. However, the various labels, conceptualizations and operationalizations of CKB have fragmented this body of research. This study aims to systematically integrate the effects of the six types of organizational characteristics on CKB and further draws more general conclusions based on the results of previous studies.


Based on a survey of 103 effect values responsible for 52 CKB samples, the authors use the ABC theory to explore the effects of the six types of organizational characteristics on CKB. Moderator analysis were performed to resolve inconsistencies in empirical studies and understand the contexts under which CKB has the strongest or weakest effect.


The results showed that task interdependence and a positive organizational atmosphere, in general, negatively affect employees’ CKB in the moderation analysis. In contrast, workplace discomfort, negative organizational atmosphere, internal competition and time pressure positively and partly affect employees’ CKB. The direction and magnitude of these effects were affected by emotional factors, knowledge personnel types and sample sources. Discussing the theoretical, methodological and practical implications of these findings can offer a guiding framework for future research.


Better control of employees’ CKB is not achieved by adjusting organizational characteristics alone but by combining personal characteristics and mood changes with it to balance organizational characteristics and CKB. Furthermore, the large-sample joint study integrated the conceptual definition of CKB. The multivariate data study provided more reliable conclusions and a solid theoretical foundation for CKB research areas.




近年来,随着企业知识共享和创新程度的不断提高,反生产知识行为(CKB)及其类型越来越受到知识管理的关注。越来越多的研究揭示了员工 CKB 的重要前因和后果。然而,CKB 的各种标签、概念化和操作化使这一研究主体支离破碎。本研究旨在系统地整合六种组织特征对 CKB 的影响,并在前人研究结果的基础上进一步得出更普遍的结论。


基于对 52 个 CKB 样本的 103 个效应值的调查,作者利用 ABC 理论探讨了六种组织特征对 CKB 的影响。进行调节分析是为了解决实证研究中的不一致问题,并了解 CKB 具有最强或最弱效果的背景。


结果表明,在调节分析中,任务相互依赖和积极的组织氛围总体上对员工的 CKB 产生负面影响。相比之下,工作场所的不适、消极的组织氛围、内部竞争和时间压力对员工的 CKB 有积极和部分影响。这些影响的方向和大小受到情感因素、知识人员类型和样本来源的影响。讨论这些发现的理论、方法和实践意义可以为未来的研究提供指导框架。


更好地控制员工的 CKB 并不是仅仅通过调整组织特性来实现的,而是结合个人特性和情绪变化来平衡组织特性和 CKB。此外,大样本联合研究整合了 CKB 的概念定义。多元数据研究为 CKB 研究领域提供了更可靠的结论和坚实的理论基础。
