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New results on orthogonal arrays OA(3,5,4n + 2)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcta.2024.105864
Dongliang Li , Haitao Cao

An orthogonal array of index unity, order v, degree 5 and strength 3, or an OA(3,5,v) in short, is a 5×v3 array on v symbols and in every 3×v3 subarray, each 3-tuple column vector occurs exactly once. The existence of an OA(3,5,4n+2) is still open except for few known infinite classes of n. In this paper, we introduce a new combinatorial structure called three dimensions orthogonal complete large sets of disjoint incomplete Latin squares and use it to obtain many new infinite classes of OA(3,5,4n+2)s.


正交数组 OA(3,5,4n + 2) 的新结果

索引统一、阶数v 、度数 5 和强度 3的正交数组,或 OA3,5,v简而言之,是一个5×v3v符号上的数组以及每个3×v3子数组中,每个 3 元组列向量恰好出现一次。OA的存在3,5,4n+2除了少数已知的无限类n之外,仍然是开放的。在本文中,我们引入了一种新的组合结构,称为三维正交完全大集不相交不完全拉丁方,并用它来获得许多新的无限类OA3,5,4n+2s。
