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“Homophobia” in the Country? Rural America and the Stigmatization of LGBTQ People: An Empirical Test of Norm-Centered Stigma Theory
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12522
Meredith G. F. Worthen 1 , Melissa S. Jones 2

In-depth explorations of LGBTQ attitudes among rural Americans are sparse and often rely upon sweeping stereotypes that cluster all perspectives into one broad statement such as “homophobia” in the country. As a result, little is known about the relationships between rurality and the stigmatization of LGBTQ people. In addition, though research demonstrates that men are less supportive of LGBTQ people than women are, these patterns are unclear among rural Americans. In the current study, data from a sample of U.S. adults aged 18–64 stratified by the U.S. census categories of age, gender, race/ethnicity, and census region collected from online panelists (N = 2,802, n = 492 rural Americans) are utilized to investigate the relationships between rurality and attitudes toward lesbian women, gay men, bisexual women, bisexual men, trans women, trans men, nonbinary people, queer women, and queer men. Specifically, we offer a test of Norm-Centered Stigma Theory with a focus on hetero-cis-normativity and intersecting experiences with social power (gender identity: cis women and cis men) as they relate to rurality and LGBTQ attitudes. Findings indicate that hetero-cis-normativity, rurality, and being a cisgender man are all significantly related to the stigmatization of LGBTQ people. Implications are provided.


国内“恐同症”?美国农村和 LGBTQ 群体的污名化:以规范为中心的污名化理论的实证检验

对美国农村地区 LGBTQ 态度的深入探索很少,而且往往依赖于广泛的刻板印象,将所有观点集中到一个广泛的陈述中,例如该国的“恐同症”。因此,人们对农村生活与 LGBTQ 人群污名化之间的关系知之甚少。此外,尽管研究表明男性对 LGBTQ 人群的支持程度低于女性,但这些模式在美国农村地区尚不清楚。在当前的研究中,来自在线小组成员( N  = 2,802,n  = 492 美国农村)的美国人口普查类别(年龄、性别、种族/民族和人口普查地区)分层的 18-64 岁美国成年人样本的数据为用于调查农村生活与对女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋女性、双性恋男性、跨性别女性、跨性别男性、非二元性别者、酷儿女性和酷儿男性的态度之间的关系。具体来说,我们提供了以规范为中心的耻辱理论的测试,重点关注异性顺式规范性以及与社会权力的交叉经历(性别认同:顺式女性和顺式男性),因为它们与农村和 LGBTQ 态度相关。研究结果表明,异性恋、顺性别规范、农村生活和顺性别男性都与 LGBTQ 人群的污名化显着相关。提供了启示。