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Partial substitution of red meat or processed meat with plant-based foods and the risk of colorectal cancer
European Journal of Epidemiology ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10654-024-01096-7
Rilla Tammi 1 , Niina E Kaartinen 1 , Kennet Harald 1 , Mirkka Maukonen 1 , Heli Tapanainen 1 , Stephanie A Smith-Warner 2 , Demetrius Albanes 3 , Johan G Eriksson 4, 5, 6, 7 , Pekka Jousilahti 1 , Seppo Koskinen 1 , Maarit A Laaksonen 1, 8 , Sanna Heikkinen 9 , Janne Pitkäniemi 9, 10, 11 , Anne-Maria Pajari 12 , Satu Männistö 1


Shifting from animal-based to plant-based diets could reduce colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence. Currently, the impacts of these dietary shifts on CRC risk are ill-defined. Therefore, we examined partial substitutions of red or processed meat with whole grains, vegetables, fruits or a combination of these in relation to CRC risk in Finnish adults.


We pooled five Finnish cohorts, resulting in 43 788 participants aged ≥ 25 years (79% men). Diet was assessed by validated food frequency questionnaires at study enrolment. We modelled partial substitutions of red (100 g/week) or processed meat (50 g/week) with corresponding amounts of plant-based foods. Cohort-specific hazard ratios (HR) for CRC were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models and pooled together using random-effects models. Adjustments included age, sex, energy intake and other relevant confounders.


During the median follow-up of 28.8 years, 1124 CRCs were diagnosed. We observed small risk reductions when red meat was substituted with vegetables (HR 0.97, 95% CI 0.95 − 0.99), fruits (0.97, 0.94 − 0.99), or whole grains, vegetables and fruits combined (0.97, 0.95 − 0.99). For processed meat, these substitutions yielded 1% risk reductions. Substituting red or processed meat with whole grains was associated with a decreased CRC risk only in participants with < median whole grain intake (0.92, 0.86 − 0.98; 0.96, 0.93 − 0.99, respectively; pinteraction=0.001).


Even small, easily implemented substitutions of red or processed meat with whole grains, vegetables or fruits could lower CRC risk in a population with high meat consumption. These findings broaden our insight into dietary modifications that could foster CRC primary prevention.






我们汇集了五个芬兰队列,共有 43,788 名年龄 ≥ 25 岁的参与者(79% 为男性)。在研究登记时通过经过验证的食物频率问卷评估饮食。我们模拟了用相应数量的植物性食品部分替代红肉(100 克/周)或加工肉(50 克/周)。使用 Cox 比例风险模型计算 CRC 的特定队列风险比 (HR),并使用随机效应模型汇总在一起。调整包括年龄、性别、能量摄入和其他相关混杂因素。


在中位随访 28.8 年期间,诊断出 1124 例 CRC。我们观察到,当用蔬菜(HR 0.97,95% CI 0.95 – 0.99)、水果(0.97,0.94 – 0.99)或全谷物、蔬菜和水果的组合(0.97,0.95 – 0.99)替代红肉时,风险略有降低。对于加工肉类,这些替代品使风险降低了 1%。仅在全谷物摄入量<中位数的参与者中,用全谷物替代红肉或加工肉类与结直肠癌风险降低相关(分别为0.92、0.86 - 0.98;0.96、0.93 - 0.99; p交互作用= 0.001)。


