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Man-making and World-making on Two Wheels: Indian ‘Globe Cyclists’ in the Interwar Years
Journal of Global History ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s1740022823000323
Harald Fischer-Tiné , Souvik Naha

Around 20 cyclists from India embarked on long and arduous intercontinental journeys between 1923 and 1942 individually or in groups. Many of these ‘globe cyclists’, as they were often referred to by the Indian press, later wrote media articles and longer travelogues about their expeditions. This article examines the narratives of these long-distance cycling expeditions to argue that these journeys can illuminate new histories of the bicycle’s socio-cultural impact beyond the West, the self-fashioning of Indian cyclotourists as an example of complicit masculinity, and world tours as a novel form of anti-imperial counter-mobility. It does so by drawing on several historiographical subfields that have hitherto rarely been mobilized together, namely the histories of sports, masculinity, colonialism and decolonization, tourism, and (everyday) technology. The article focuses pars pro toto on the tours of Adi Hakim, Jal Bapasola, and Rustom Bhumgara (1923-1928) and Ramnath Biswas (1931-1940) that were strongly over-determined by the contexts of colonialism, anti-colonialism, and decolonisation, while nationalist masculinity represented another recurring trope.



1923 年至 1942 年间,大约 20 名来自印度的自行车手单独或结伴踏上了漫长而艰辛的洲际旅程。印度媒体经常提到这些“环球自行车手”,其中许多人后来撰写了有关他们探险活动的媒体文章和较长的游记。本文研究了这些长途自行车探险的叙述,认为这些旅程可以阐明自行车对西方以外的社会文化影响的新历史,印度自行车旅游者的自我塑造作为同谋男性气概的例子,以及世界巡回赛作为一种新颖的反帝国反机动形式。它通过借鉴迄今为止很少被动员起来的几个史学子领域来做到这一点,即体育史、男性气概、殖民主义和非殖民化、旅游和(日常)技术。本文主要关注阿迪·哈基姆 (Adi Hakim)、贾尔·巴帕索拉 (Jal Bapasola)、鲁斯托姆·布姆加拉 (Rustom Bhumgara)(1923-1928)和拉姆纳特·比斯瓦斯 (Ramnath Biswas)(1931-1940)的巡演,这些巡演受到殖民主义、反殖民主义和非殖民化背景的强烈过度影响。 ,而民族主义男子气概代表了另一个反复出现的比喻。