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Do teleworking and online shopping influence modality styles for work and shopping tours? A latent class cluster analysis
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.103966
Harsh Shah , Andre L. Carrel

The large-scale adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as teleworking and online shopping affects mobility behavior on many dimensions. While a large body of research investigates the relationship between ICT use and various travel outcomes, the consideration of mode use has been limited, with most studies only focusing on a subset of modes and overlooking differences across travel purposes. Therefore, there remains a shortage of literature taking a comprehensive view of the multiple dimensions of mode use in the context of ICT use and capturing all principal modes that travelers may use. We investigate the relationship between an individual’s ICT use and their habitual mode use, termed modality style, which is considered an indicator of latent preferences for certain transportation modes. Using a one-week travel-activity diary from the 2019 Puget Sound Regional Household Travel dataset, latent class cluster analyses of work, grocery shopping, and non-grocery shopping tours are performed to distinguish modality styles for the respective travel purposes. The analysis finds a relationship between ICT use and modality style, and a distinct class of Non-travelers is found in the case of work and non-grocery shopping travel, consisting of individuals with high levels of teleworking and online shopping. A key outcome is the identification of modality styles that are characterized by moderate car use, frequent carpooling, and high levels of ICT use. Furthermore, the respective work travel modality style has lower household car ownership than the more car-centric modality style. Thus, this study not only contributes to unraveling the relationship between ICT use and mode use but also the relationship between ICT use and car ownership.



远程办公和在线购物等信息和通信技术 (ICT) 的大规模采用从多个方面影响了出行行为。虽然大量研究调查了信息通信技术的使用与各种旅行结果之间的关系,但对模式使用的考虑有限,大多数研究只关注一部分模式,而忽视了不同旅行目的之间的差异。因此,仍然缺乏在信息通信技术使用的背景下全面审视模式使用的多个维度并捕获旅行者可能使用的所有主要模式的文献。我们研究个人的 ICT 使用与其习惯模式使用(称为模式风格)之间的关系,这被认为是对某些交通模式的潜在偏好的指标。使用 2019 年普吉特海湾地区家庭旅行数据集中的一周旅行活动日记,对工作、杂货购物和非杂货购物旅行进行潜在类别聚类分析,以区分各自旅行目的的方式风格。分析发现了信息通信技术的使用和方式风格之间的关系,并且在工作和非杂货购物旅行的情况下发现了一个独特的非旅行者类别,由远程办公和在线购物水平较高的个人组成。一个关键成果是确定了以适度汽车使用、频繁拼车和高水平信息通信技术使用为特征的模式风格。此外,与以汽车为中心的出行方式相比,各自的工作出行方式的家庭汽车拥有量较低。因此,这项研究不仅有助于揭示信息通信技术使用与模式使用之间的关系,而且有助于揭示信息通信技术使用与汽车拥有量之间的关系。
