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Expressive vocabulary word categories of children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enad066
Andrea D Warner-Czyz 1, 2 , Sean R Anderson 3 , Sarah Graham 4 , Kristin Uhler 5, 6

This study investigated the acquisition of early expressive vocabulary among young children who are deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH; n = 68) using auditory technology (hearing aids and cochlear implants). Parents completed a standardized vocabulary checklist, which allowed analyses of (i) the size of their child’s spoken vocabulary; (ii) composition of the expressive lexicon (e.g., parts of speech such as nouns and verbs; semantic categories such as routines and body parts); and (iii) demographic and audiologic factors (e.g., chronologic age, degree of hearing access) potentially associated with these metrics. Young children who are DHH and use auditory technology acquired fewer spoken words than peers with typical hearing (TH) matched for chronologic age but more spoken words than peers with TH matched for listening experience. Action verbs—not nouns—significantly increased the odds of a child who is DHH achieving a vocabulary quotient within the normative range. These findings support the exploration of early expressive vocabulary size and composition—especially the number of active verbs—to guide clinical management and decision-making for young children who are DHH.



本研究利用听觉技术(助听器和人工耳蜗)调查了聋哑儿童(DHH;n = 68)早期表达词汇的习得情况。家长完成了标准化词汇清单,可以分析(i)孩子口语词汇量的大小; (ii) 表达词汇的组成(例如名词和动词等词类;例程和身体部位等语义类别); (iii) 可能与这些指标相关的人口统计和听力因素(例如,实际年龄、听力程度)。 DHH 并使用听觉技术的幼儿比与年龄匹配的典型听力 (TH) 的同龄人获得的口语单词更少,但比与听力体验匹配的 TH 的同龄人获得的口语单词更多。动作动词(而不是名词)显着增加了 DHH 孩子达到标准范围内词汇商数的几率。这些发现支持对早期表达词汇量和构成(尤其是主动动词的数量)的探索,以指导 DHH 幼儿的临床管理和决策。