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All-Solution-Processed InGaO/PbI2 Heterojunction for Self-Powered Omnidirectional Near-Ultraviolet Photodetection and Imaging
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-20 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202302665
Jie Zhang 1 , Zixu Sa 1 , Pengsheng Li 1 , Zhongjun Zhai 1 , Fengjing Liu 1 , Mingxu Wang 1 , Guangcan Wang 1 , Yanxue Yin 1 , Yang Li 1 , Wenxiang Mu 2 , Zhitai Jia 3 , Feng Chen 1 , Zai‐xing Yang 1

The persistent photocurrent (PPC) and high carrier concentration are challenging the ultraviolet photodetection behaviors of amorphous InGaO films. Herein, InGaO/PbI2 heterojunction is constructed by an all-solution synthesis process to set up a built-in electric field at the heterojunction interface, which is aimed at the inhibition of PPC, suppression of dark current, and promotion of photogenerated carrier separation. With an optimized In content of 90%, the as-fabricated InGaO/PbI2 heterojunction photodetector exhibits excellent self-powered near-ultraviolet photodetection behaviors with high Ilight/Idark ratio of 104, ultralow dark current of 10−13 A and fast response times of 0.8/0.6 ms. Additionally, benefiting to the all-solution synthesis process and amorphous characteristic, InGaO/PbI2 heterojunction can be implanted onto any useful substrates to achieve the specific function of photodetection. The as-fabricated InGaO/PbI2 heterojunction flexible self-powered photodetector exhibits outstanding mechanical flexibility, bending endurance, and photoelectric stability. When the InGaO/PbI2 heterojunction is implanted onto the transparent substrate, it demonstrates excellent omnidirectional self-powdered photodetection performance and imaging capability. All results promise all-solution-processed InGaO for next-generation advanced optoelectronics.


用于自供电全向近紫外光电探测和成像的全溶液处理 InGaO/PbI2 异质结

持续光电流(PPC)和高载流子浓度对非晶 InGaO 薄膜的紫外光电探测行为提出了挑战。本文采用全溶液合成工艺构建InGaO/PbI 2异质结,在异质结界面建立内建电场,旨在抑制PPC、抑制暗电流、促进光生载流子分离。优化的In含量为90%,所制造的InGaO/PbI 2异质结光电探测器表现出优异的自供电近紫外光电探测行为,具有10 4的高I/I比、10 −13 A的超低暗电流和0.8/0.6 毫秒的快速响应时间。此外,得益于全溶液合成工艺和非晶特性,InGaO/PbI 2异质结可以植入到任何有用的衬底上,以实现光电检测的特定功能。所制造的InGaO/PbI 2异质结柔性自供电光电探测器表现出出色的机械灵活性、耐弯曲性和光电稳定性。当InGaO/PbI 2异质结植入到透明基板上时,表现出优异的全向自粉体光电探测性能和成像能力。所有结果都预示着全溶液处理的 InGaO 可用于下一代先进光电子学。