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Multi-Material Volumetric Additive Manufacturing of Hydrogels using Gelatin as a Sacrificial Network and 3D Suspension Bath
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-20 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202309026
Morgan B Riffe 1 , Matthew D Davidson 2 , Gabriel Seymour 3 , Abhishek P Dhand 4 , Megan E Cooke 2 , Hannah M Zlotnick 2 , Robert R McLeod 1, 3 , Jason A Burdick 1, 2, 4, 5

Volumetric additive manufacturing (VAM) is an emerging layerless method for the rapid processing of reactive resins into 3D structures, where printing is much faster (seconds) than other lithography and direct ink writing methods (minutes to hours). As a vial of resin rotates in the VAM process, patterned light exposure defines a 3D object and then resin that has not undergone gelation can be washed away. Despite the promise of VAM, there are challenges with the printing of soft hydrogel materials from non-viscous precursors, including multi-material constructs. To address this, sacrificial gelatin is used to modulate resin viscosity to support the cytocompatible VAM printing of macromers based on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), hyaluronic acid (HA), and polyacrylamide (PA). After printing, gelatin is removed by washing at an elevated temperature. To print multi-material constructs, the gelatin-containing resin is used as a shear-yielding suspension bath (including HA to further modulate bath properties) where ink can be extruded into the bath to define a multi-material resin that can then be processed with VAM into a defined object. Multi-material constructs of methacrylated HA (MeHA) and gelatin methacrylamide (GelMA) are printed (as proof-of-concept) with encapsulated mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), where the local hydrogel properties guide cell spreading behavior with culture.


使用明胶作为牺牲网络和 3D 悬浮浴的水凝胶的多材料体积增材制造

体积增材制造 (VAM) 是一种新兴的无层方法,用于将反应性树脂快速加工成 3D 结构,其打印速度(秒)比其他光刻和直接墨水书写方法(分钟到小时)快得多。当一瓶树脂在 VAM 工艺中旋转时,图案化的曝光定义了 3D 物体,然后可以洗掉未发生凝胶化的树脂。尽管 VAM 前景广阔,但从非粘性前体(包括多材料结构)打印软水凝胶材料仍面临挑战。为了解决这个问题,使用牺牲明胶来调节树脂粘度,以支持基于聚乙二醇 (PEG)、透明质酸 (HA) 和聚丙烯酰胺 (PA) 的大分子单体的细胞相容性 VAM 打印。打印后,通过高温清洗去除明胶。为了打印多材料结构,含明胶的树脂被用作剪切屈服悬浮浴(包括HA以进一步调节浴特性),其中墨水可以被挤出到浴中以限定然后可以被加工的多材料树脂用 VAM 转化为已定义的对象。甲基丙烯酸 HA (MeHA) 和明胶甲基丙烯酰胺 (GelMA) 的多材料结构与封装的间充质基质细胞 (MSC) 一起打印(作为概念验证),其中局部水凝胶特性引导细胞在培养物中的扩散行为。