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Study on the dehydrogenation of perhydro-dibenzyltoluene catalyzed by Pt/Al2O3 in a fixed bed reactor
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2024.119754
Mengke Xu , Ruijie Gao , Chengxiang Shi , Zhen-Feng Huang , Xiangwen Zhang , Ji-Jun Zou , Lun Pan

The dehydrogenation of perhydro-dibenzyltoluene (18H-DBT) is the key reaction in cyclic hydrogen storage, but it is usually investigated in batch reactors. In this work, the dehydrogenation reaction of 18H-DBT over Pt/Al2O3 was performed in a fixed-bed, and the effects of Pt loading and reaction conditions on dehydrogenation activity were investigated. The results show that increasing the Pt loading could increase the dehydrogenation rate; however, the average electron density of Pt will increase accordingly, resulting in more byproducts. Low pressure and high temperature can increase the dehydrogenation degree but produce undesired byproducts. Therefore, 0.5 MPa and 330 °C are the optimal reaction conditions. When the LHSV was increased to 10 mL/(gcat‧h), the hydrogen production capacity reached 14.8 molH2/(gPt‧h), which is much higher than the processing capacity of the reaction kettle in the literature. This result indicates that continuous reactions have positive significance in the large-scale application of 18H-DBT hydrogen production.



全氢二苄基甲苯 (18H-DBT) 的脱氢是环状储氢中的关键反应,但通常在间歇式反应器中进行研究。本工作在固定床中对 Pt/Al2O3 进行 18H-DBT 的脱氢反应,研究了 Pt 负载和反应条件对脱氢活性的影响。结果表明,增加Pt负载量可以提高脱氢速率;然而,Pt 的平均电子密度会相应增加,从而产生更多的副产物。低压和高温会增加脱氢程度,但会产生不需要的副产物。因此,0.5 MPa 和 330 °C 是最佳反应条件。当 LHSV 增加到 10 mL/(gcat‧h) 时,制氢能力达到 14.8 molH2/(gPt‧h),远高于文献中反应釜的处理能力。这一结果表明,连续反应在 18H-DBT 制氢的大规模应用中具有积极意义。