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Exploring the prevalence of success stories in popular work-related television series: A content analysis
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101866 Sarah Devos , Femke Konings , Steven Eggermont , Laura Vandenbosch
Poetics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2024.101866 Sarah Devos , Femke Konings , Steven Eggermont , Laura Vandenbosch
This content analytical study ( = four series, 59 characters, and 2411 scenes) investigates how success stories are portrayed in work-related television series (i.e., television series centered on the working environment) that are available in several countries, namely , and . Based on the ideas of , this study explores how such television series define (professional) success and whether the accomplishments portrayed in them adhere to the (i.e., a narrative in which success is portrayed as achievable by everyone provided they work hard for it). By analyzing the main and secondary characters, this study explores which character traits are associated with (professional) success and examines the presence of references to personal accountability and perseverance.
这项内容分析研究(= 四个系列、59 个角色和 2411 个场景)调查了在多个国家/地区播放的与工作相关的电视剧(即以工作环境为中心的电视剧)中如何描绘成功故事,即 、 和 。基于 的想法,本研究探讨了此类电视连续剧如何定义(职业)成功,以及其中所描绘的成就是否符合(即,每个人只要努力工作就可以取得成功的叙述)。通过分析主要和次要人物,本研究探讨了哪些性格特征与(职业)成功相关,并检验了个人责任感和毅力是否存在。
这项内容分析研究(= 四个系列、59 个角色和 2411 个场景)调查了在多个国家/地区播放的与工作相关的电视剧(即以工作环境为中心的电视剧)中如何描绘成功故事,即 、 和 。基于 的想法,本研究探讨了此类电视连续剧如何定义(职业)成功,以及其中所描绘的成就是否符合(即,每个人只要努力工作就可以取得成功的叙述)。通过分析主要和次要人物,本研究探讨了哪些性格特征与(职业)成功相关,并检验了个人责任感和毅力是否存在。