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Instantaneous and Continuous Preparation of Avermectin Nanoparticles with High Gravity Anti-Solvent Precipitation Technology
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c03802
Yan-Jun Dong 1, 2 , Jun Lu 2, 3 , Meng Qiao 1, 2 , Kang Wang 1 , Yuan Le 1, 2 , Jie-Xin Wang 1, 2 , Jian-Feng Chen 1, 2

The inherent insolubility of avermectin (Av) in water and its easy degradation property prompt the abuse of organic solvents, leading to a decreased rate of pesticide utilization and natural damage. Herein, we propose an effective approach to continuously synthesize avermectin nanoparticles (nano Av) with relatively small size and enhanced performance by high gravity anti-solvent precipitation in a rotating packed bed (RPB). Compared with the conventional stirred tank reactor (STR) method, the average particle size of as-prepared products can be decreased from 166 to 66 nm. Importantly, the preparation time can be greatly reduced from 60 min to 1 s. The addition of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) effectively avoids the agglomeration of nanoparticles by electrostatic and steric stabilization, thereby obtaining the spherical and well-dispersed nano Av. Remarkably, nano Av prepared in RPB exhibits higher drug loading capacity and better anti-UV performance and wettability than the STR products. Compared to technical avermectin, the as-prepared Av using RPB shows prolonged efficacy and displays a better killing effect for Plutella xylostella. The biosafety evaluations on nontarget organisms indicate that PVP is safe for Escherichia coli, seeds, and plants. This novel method could provide a platform for the development of nanopesticides with potential applications.



阿维菌素(Av)本身不溶于水且易降解的特性,促使有机溶剂的滥用,导致农药利用率下降和自然灾害。在此,我们提出了一种通过旋转填充床(RPB)中的超重力反溶剂沉淀连续合成尺寸相对较小且性能增强的阿维菌素纳米粒子(纳米Av)的有效方法。与传统的搅拌釜反应器(STR)法相比,所制备产品的平均粒径可从166 nm降至66 nm。重要的是,准备时间可以从 60 分钟大大缩短至 1 秒。聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)的添加通过静电和空间稳定有效避免了纳米颗粒的团聚,从而获得球形且分散良好的纳米Av。值得注意的是,在 RPB 中制备的 Nano Av 比 STR 产品具有更高的载药量、更好的抗紫外线性能和润湿性。与原药阿维菌素相比,采用RPB制备的Av具有较长的药效,并且对小菜蛾具有更好的杀灭效果。对非靶标生物的生物安全性评价表明,PVP对大肠杆菌、种子和植物是安全的。这种新方法可以为开发具有潜在应用的纳米农药提供平台。