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Examining electric vehicle adoption at the postal code level in US states
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment ( IF 7.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2024.104068
Jonathon Sinton , Gaia Cervini , Konstantina Gkritza , Samuel Labi , Ziqi Song

Electrification of the transportation sector has grown substantially over recent years, though much remains unclear regarding the continued trajectory of electric vehicle (EV) adoption and its influencing factors. The impacts of charging infrastructure and the geographic heterogeneity of adopter characteristics are two facets not fully understood. This work investigates EV adoption at a granular geographic level using spatial econometric methods. The dataset – ZIP (postal) code-level EV population in four US states since 2011 – is more comprehensive than previous studies at a granular geographic level have used. The work finds that battery EV and plug-in hybrid EV forecasts must be developed separately. Spatial clustering is significant and cannot be ignored; geographic variations in sociodemographic and land use measures are found to influence adoption and their intensity varies by state. Finally, existing data permits a better understanding of these relationships with respect to the earliness of adoption rather than the rate of adoption in ZIP codes.



近年来,交通运输行业的电气化大幅增长,但电动汽车 (EV) 采用的持续轨迹及其影响因素仍不清楚。充电基础设施的影响和采用者特征的地理异质性是尚未完全理解的两个方面。这项工作使用空间计量经济学方法在精细的地理层面上调查电动汽车的采用情况。该数据集——自 2011 年以来美国四个州的邮政编码级 EV 人口——比之前在细粒度地理层面上使用的研究更全面。研究发现,电池电动汽车和插电式混合动力电动汽车的预测必须分开制定。空间聚集性显着且不容忽视;人们发现,社会人口统计和土地利用措施的地理差异会影响采用,其强度因州而异。最后,现有数据可以更好地理解这些与采用早期程度而不是邮政编码采用率之间的关系。
