Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2024.103972 Hassan Obeid , Michael L. Anderson , Mohamed Amine Bouzaghrane , Joan Walker
Telecommuting has risen to unprecedented levels in the past three years and remains one of the most disrupted aspects of transportation behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we investigate the transport impacts of telecommuting. We use a combination of passively collected Point of Interest (POI) data between January 2020 and December 2021 and five waves of actively collected surveys on a panel of participants to quantify the effects of changes in the frequency of telecommuting on the total number of daily and weekly trips that a telecommuter makes, as well as their total daily and weekly distance traveled. We overcome important limitations of related work in the literature by controlling for unobserved confounders using fixed-effect and first-difference regressions. Doing so, we find evidence that telecommuting results in the generation of new non-commute trips that offset a significant portion of the reduction in commute trips. We show that telecommuters make an average of roughly one additional non-commute trip on telecommute days relative to commute days. The additional trip is on average shorter than the commute trip, as we find that the total distance traveled on telecommute days is significantly shorter than on commute days for employees in our panel. At the weekly level, we also find that one additional day of telecommuting results in one additional non-commute trip. This suggests that the additional non-commute trip on telecommuting days is a newly generated trip, rather than a trip substituted from other days of the week. The weekly analysis also confirms that the non-commute trip is on average shorter than the two-way commute trips, as the total weekly distance traveled by workers in our sample decreases by about 15 km for every day of telecommuting. Our results suggest that the trip reduction effects of telecommuting could be overestimated if telecommuting-induced new trip generation is not properly accounted for.

远程办公会减少出行吗?COVID-19 大流行期间美国专家组提供的证据
过去三年中,远程办公已上升至前所未有的水平,并且仍然是 COVID-19 大流行期间交通行为中受到干扰最严重的方面之一。在本文中,我们研究了远程办公对交通的影响。我们结合使用 2020 年 1 月至 2021 年 12 月期间被动收集的兴趣点 (POI) 数据以及对一组参与者进行的五波主动收集的调查,来量化远程办公频率变化对每日远程办公总数和远程办公总数的影响。远程办公者每周的出行次数,以及每天和每周的总出行距离。我们通过使用固定效应和一阶差分回归来控制未观察到的混杂因素,克服了文献中相关工作的重要局限性。这样做,我们发现有证据表明远程办公会导致新的非通勤旅行的产生,从而抵消了通勤旅行减少的很大一部分。我们发现,相对于通勤日,远程办公者在远程办公日平均会多进行大约一次非通勤旅行。额外行程平均比通勤行程短,因为我们发现我们小组中的员工在远程办公日的总行程明显短于通勤日。在每周层面上,我们还发现,额外一天的远程办公会导致额外一次非通勤旅行。这表明远程办公日的额外非通勤旅行是新生成的旅行,而不是从一周其他日子替代的旅行。每周分析还证实,非通勤旅行平均比双向通勤旅行短,因为我们样本中的员工每周总出行距离每天远程办公减少约 15 公里。我们的研究结果表明,如果没有适当考虑远程办公引起的新出行产生,远程办公减少出行的效果可能会被高估。