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Three-Dimensional Au Octahedral Nanoheptamers: Single-Particle and Bulk Near-Field Focusing for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c03469
Qiang Zhao 1 , Jaewon Lee 1 , Myeong Jin Oh 1 , Woocheol Park 1 , Sungwoo Lee 1, 2 , Insub Jung 1, 2 , Sungho Park 3

Herein, we present a synthetic approach to fabricate Au nanoheptamers composed of six individual Au nanospheres interconnected through thin metal bridges arranged in an octahedral configuration. The resulting structures envelop central Au nanospheres, producing Au nanosphere heptamers with an open architectural arrangement. Importantly, the initial Pt coating of the Au nanospheres is a crucial step for protecting the inner Au nanospheres during multiple reactions. As-synthesized Au nanoheptamers exhibit multiple hot spots formed by nanogaps between nanospheres, resulting in strong electromagnetic near-fields. Additionally, we conducted surface-enhanced Raman-scattering-based detection of a chemical warfare agent simulant in the gas phase and achieved a limit of detection of 100 ppb, which is 3 orders lower than that achieved using Au nanospheres and Au nanohexamers. This pseudocore–shell nanostructure represents a significant advancement in the realm of complex nanoparticle synthesis, moving the field one step closer to sophisticated nanoparticle engineering.



在此,我们提出了一种合成方法来制造金纳米七聚体,该纳米七聚体由六个单独的金纳米球组成,这些纳米球通过以八面体配置排列的薄金属桥互连。由此产生的结构包围中心金纳米球,产生具有开放式结构排列的金纳米球七聚体。重要的是,Au 纳米球的初始 Pt 涂层是在多个反应过程中保护内部 Au 纳米球的关键步骤。合成的金纳米七聚体表现出由纳米球之间的纳米间隙形成的多个热点,从而产生强电磁近场。此外,我们对气相化学战剂模拟物进行了基于表面增强拉曼散射的检测,并实现了 100 ppb 的检测限,比使用金纳米球和金纳米六聚物实现的检测限低了 3 个数量级。这种假核壳纳米结构代表了复杂纳米颗粒合成领域的重大进步,使该领域向复杂的纳米颗粒工程更近了一步。