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Thermodynamics, Environmental and Sustainability Impacts of a Turbofan Engine Under Different Design Conditions Considering Variable Needs in the Aviation Industry
Global Challenges ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-01-18 , DOI: 10.1002/gch2.202300205
Hakan Aygun 1 , Mohammad Rauf Sheikhi 2, 3, 4 , Hakan Caliskan 5

In this study, thermodynamic analysis is implemented to the kerosene-fuelled high by-pass turbofan (HBP-TF) engine to assess entropy, exergy, environmental, and sustainability metrics for different design variables such as pressure ratio of high-pressure compressor (HPC-PR) ranging from 7.5 to 8.5 and turbine inlet temperature (TIT) varying from 1400 to 1525 K considering variable needs in the aviation industry. As a novelty, entropic improvement potential (EIP) index for turbomachinery components and specific irreversibility production for the whole engine are calculated. Sustainability-based parameters for different cases are compared with the baseline values of the HBP-TF engine. The combustor has the highest entropy production of 44.4425 kW K−1 at the baseline. The higher TIT increases the entropy production of the combustor by 16.56%, whereas the higher HPC-PR decreases it by 5.83%. The higher TIT and HPC-PR favorably affect the sustainable efficiency factor of the engine, which is observed as 1.5482 at baseline and increases by 4.5% and 0.058% with the increment of TIT and HPC-PR, respectively. The higher TIT and higher HPC-PR results in lowering sustainability of the engine. The specific irreversibility production of the engine decreases by 3.78% and 0.1171% respectively, as TIT and HPC-PR reach the highest point considered in the study.



在本研究中,对煤油燃料高涵道比涡轮风扇 (HBP-TF) 发动机进行热力学分析,以评估不同设计变量的熵、火用、环境和可持续性指标,例如高压压缩机 (HPC) 的压力比考虑到航空业的不同需求,-PR)范围为 7.5 至 8.5,涡轮机入口温度 (TIT) 范围为 1400 至 1525 K。作为一项创新,计算了涡轮机械部件的熵改进潜力(EIP)指数和整个发动机的特定不可逆性产量。将不同情况下基于可持续性的参数与 HBP-TF 发动机的基线值进行比较。燃烧室在基线处具有最高的熵产 44.4425 kW K -1 。较高的 TIT 使燃烧室的熵产增加了 16.56%,而较高的 HPC-PR 则使燃烧室的熵产减少了 5.83%。较高的 TIT 和 HPC-PR 对发动机的可持续效率因子有有利的影响,基线时观察到的可持续效率因子为 1.5482,随着 TIT 和 HPC-PR 的增加分别增加 4.5% 和 0.058%。较高的 TIT 和较高的 HPC-PR 会导致发动机的可持续性降低。当 TIT 和 HPC-PR 达到研究中考虑的最高点时,发动机的特定不可逆产量分别下降了 3.78% 和 0.1171%。